By ieva on November 30th, 2019
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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I never lied. Almost never. If they were, they were just white lies.
On my left thigh there is a small burn that has always been there. It looks like a sun half covered by a moon. This burn always reminds me of a solar eclipse. From my parents I found out, that me as a child a cup of hot tea fell on his thigh and that little scar was left behind.
_____________"Dearest daughter,
I am writing you these lines primarily to thank you for your recent visit. As always, your words were a comfort to me, and your sight makes the dreary world around me appear so much brighter and friendlier every time. It makes me happy to see what a beautiful and proud young woman you have become. You look so incredibly like your mother up to your burning that I sometimes want to believe that she lives on through you. What is more, you have inherited her mind, her willpower, her strength, and for that I thank the old gods every day anew.
I am not a wise man, and I never was, but I learned one thing along the way. It is always the sins of the mothers and the weaknesses of the fathers that mark the way of the children. And even though I have never left you in doubt that you are not my own blood, and even though I have always proudly called you a daughter, I still owe you so many answers over the years. I have always tried to protect you, but in the end I only wanted to protect myself.
As promised, I will send you an amulet. An amulet that belonged to your true parents. You are daughter of Evening Sun and Night Wind...
Your father"_____________
Carefully and slowly I bend down and pick up the amulet. I take a closer look at it by holding it directly in front of my eyes. I recognize the pendant. That cannot be.
It consists of a gold-forged sun, half of which is covered with a silver moon. The piece looks exactly like the branding I wear on my left thigh. I quickly pull up my skirt and compare the symbols.

This is my Story (*inspired by ascended trinkets: Solaria, Circle of the Sun & Lunaria, Circle of the Moon)
That's already a few months or even half a year old look that was in my folder... I wanted to use Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Raiment and came up with an idea to style a Sun Moon Girl... With screens I have tried to catch the changes of moods at day/night as well as dawn and dusk.
I hope you like my suns and (or) moon girl.
Here are armor colors for blue moon variant:
Weapon: Azimut Staff.


I'm often amazed what things inspire you ;)
And the moon girl I like better (also the dark screens).
2019-12-04 6:28

Thank you for your kind comment :)
2019-12-05 14:10 in reply to Frans

I love your sun/moon theme! Awesome screenshots, too.
2019-12-30 12:05

2019-12-31 14:58 in reply to DiscipleofLaw