Female Sylvari Elementalist

By Winters637 on March 12th, 2022
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: White
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White and prismatic color scheme. Glittering weapon skin. I will probably replace backpack with Wild Magic once it becomes available again.


The combination of armor pieces looks alright but the dye scheme is a bit flat, no contrast and uninteresting.
Adding just a sprinkle of blue details/highlights to match the diadem and weapon might improve it.
2022-03-14 4:25

Thanks for the comment, but the color scheme was very intentional. I wanted to give something neutral that would boost the prismatic effects (seen much more strongly in-game), and not subscribe to any element color in particular. Adding a light blue would make it look favored toward water, in my opinion. I'm not completely happy with the blue in the weapons, but they're the best I have at the moment. Hopefully I can replace them with the new Aurene legendaries eventually.
2022-03-19 11:23 in reply to Gewreid