Male Sylvari Mesmer

By Winters637 on March 12th, 2022
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Purple
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Lyral Nightoak, my original character from launch. The mask has not come off since he was created, and I consider it part of his face.


The mask really looks extremely good an him and like it is a part of his face indeed.
Mawdrey, the staff and the dye scheme all fit well together for a round and cohesive sylvari mesmer look.
2022-03-14 4:33

Thank you again for the kind words.
2022-03-19 11:24 in reply to Gewreid

Here I can only repeat what I wrote about your Asura. It looks interesting, but it looks like someone forced you to post it here... totally loveless, small pictures etc.
2022-03-23 21:41

Forced to post it here may be the wrong phrase, but it's not too far off. Myself and a friend wanted me to get them up here for reference and posterity, but I haven't had much interest to make them look professional. I'm sure I'll update the screenshots and add in the equipment/dyes in the coming weeks. Thanks for the comment!
2022-03-25 17:27 in reply to Frans