The Wolfborn

By jesandsteven on May 9th, 2017
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
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~ The Wolfborn are a group of norn, led and founded by Sigfast and Skarti, which keep the peace in Hoelbrak. The Wolfborn began as a rowdy bunch of Sigfast and Skarti's friends, but grew in size and discipline as Hoelbrak did. Someone can only join the group by knowing a member of the Wolfborn and being vouched for. ~
Estrild Haugen comes from a long line of the Wolfborn clan. She upholds the long held traditions of the clan, both the mischief and the honor.
Hi all o/ So of course I had to jump on the new shoulders bandwagon. Norn being the obvious choice I went for, centered around a RP character. I wanted a outfit that went with the Wolfborn weapons. Instead of using this whole weapon set I added in the Kodan pieces. I wanted to keep the dye choices more natural than just black and white as I thought that was too stark of a contrast.

Pieces not specified:
Houndskin Mantle; Matte, Tarnished Steel, Charcoal
Mini Garm

I hope that some of you may enjoy her :)


Amazing everything :d
2017-05-09 5:50

This shoulder-piece is such a blessing! It keeps the good looks on coming xD
I love that your character is a bit beefier that the usual norn woman you see! Maybe she just looks like it due to the legpiece, but i really like it! Its kinda unique :)
The screens are amazing and you chose the perfect weapons to present this look!
Great upload, Gold from me :D
2017-05-09 9:24

Great pics, great colours, first time i actually like those hair, and best map ever! :D
2017-05-09 17:39

Very nice norn theme! Although I think the pants are a bit too bulky with the rest of the armor. Otherwise, great job =D
2017-05-10 9:36

Elessar Taralom
I love the nornish feel of this and the dyes are great!
Only thing that feels a little off is the top; the rest is just so thick and heavily armoured that the naked top looks off
But still a goldworthy upload!
2017-05-10 15:58

Fashion Guru
Interesting dye job, it looks great. And I like your screens very much. Gold :)
2017-05-10 19:27

Fashion Guru
Thanks for all the great comments.
2017-05-12 12:46

Very beautiful Norn
2019-01-21 7:43

Fashion Guru
Thanks so much :)
2019-01-22 11:44 in reply to Frans