The High Desert Ritualist

By jesandsteven on May 3rd, 2019
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Orange
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Hi All o/

So this is my take on a look surrounding the Ritualist Staff skin. I wanted to stay away from a concept based on the Ritualist class from GW1, and just focus on the particular elements of this staff. I did however, like how the lineage on the shoulders and bottoms echoed the tribal like tattoos on the Ritualist class. I chose the top to bring in some of the bead work, and the feet to tie in the wood of the staff. The Desert Higlands scenery is the backdrop for the look, as it made my odd color pallet choice make a bit more sense with its hues of blue, orange, and sand. This is a character I play often, so I tried to make the second set of weapons make sense for the look as best as possible.
I hope that some of you may enjoy her :)

Other: Spectral Torch


I like that (above all I want to have your staff :))
2019-05-05 18:08

Absolutely love the colours of the armor and how they match with the hair and staff. Only slight minus is maybe that the chest armor kind of drowns in next to all the other stuff, but gold anyway!
2019-05-08 11:25

I really like the dye work.
2019-05-14 5:19

...I just saw you following me ;) It's very nice because I really like your presentations.
My "criticism", but that is also only a single lack with you - you have between all your beautiful characters no single Asura thereby ;))
2019-06-03 8:20

Fashion Guru
lol, I only have norn/human/ sylvari. No Asura or Charr, Im jus not good at making looks for them :)
2019-06-03 9:51 in reply to Frans

Aldon Vinetwig
Fashion Collector
It's a gold from me :)
2019-06-22 22:25