Regal Insectoid Fairy Queen

By Elessar Taralom on December 30th, 2015
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Blue
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You can hear her coming, surrounded by the clicking of claws and the scraping of chitin on the ground. She doesn´t give you more than a quick glance and a tug of her head. Karka follow her around as if she was a magnet and they are nothing put pieces of scrap metal.
This Sylvari managed the transition from the hivemind nature of the Dream and the Grove pretty well and established herself in the Southsun Cove where she is holding control over a whole swarm of this gnarly beasts. They follow her every step, mesmerized by her grace and hold under her control by her mind only.
Returning to the Grove? Never, she has it so good here....
All hail the hive!

Finally got to rework my main and turned her into a Fairy/Insect inspired Queen. I worked myself around the glittering weapons and the backpiece and wanted to got against the very feminine, girly approach of a fairy (not that heavy armour gives you much options there).
I am not the biggest fan of the pants either, but Guild Tassels aren´t available for me yet, so I just went with the next best option and will give her a rework as soon as I am able to.
The headpiece just screams fairy to me, the kinda evil and fiendish kind, I don´t know why, but it just works half as well without the helmet imo.
Screening was a challenge, as the Southsun Cove is really hostile and I hate that there is barely no chance to get rid of the aegis for a few minutes except for getting into a fight x x
I hope the screens were worth it though!
Enjoy ^^


Luv it :>
2015-12-30 14:58

She looks very nice and ferryish!
I love the colours and the screens!!! I think the purple colour on the leg-piece is a little bit too dominant tho.
Still Gold from me ;D
2015-12-30 18:33

Elessar Taralom
yeah, i thought about that purple in the legs as well, i just wanted the colour in that piece as well, but there are just those two big clothing parts x x

EDIT: you are right, changed it to dark blue and it looks way better, ty ^^
2015-12-30 18:46

Its cool but idk about the legs
2015-12-30 18:55

Elessar Taralom
i´ll go for the ornate guild tassels as soon as they are available for my guild ^^
2015-12-30 18:59

Fashion Guru
Wooow I love your screens , they are so beautiful :D
Very nice look but I'm not sure about the legs too. Even if they fit the shoulders very well I think. Maybe it's because of the purple dye that you changed^^
I like your style!
Gold :)
2015-12-30 22:06

Fashion Collector
Beautiful! Gold from me!
2015-12-31 13:20

Look amazing :D
2016-01-03 7:02

Fashion Guru
It's just great.
2016-01-03 9:32

Fashion Guru
2016-01-05 15:54

The real Queen of the Southsun Cove, I guess :D Really looking good and unique with that armor/dye combination :)
2016-01-09 13:20

Fashion Guru
All hail to the fairy queen! Everything fits so well together and I am still blown away by this colour combination. She is fierce and beautiful and I really love everything about this style ?
2016-01-09 13:45

Fashion Guru
* no questionmark- supposed to be a heart xD Here you go, you deserve this:
2016-01-09 13:46

Fashion Guru
i just love how the game allows you to mix such weird colours together on sylvaris, gold!
2016-01-26 18:49

*ç* amazing
2016-02-03 16:39

This is pretty cool! You chose some great colours. Those screens are amazing. She fits very well to the karka-chak-theme!
2016-02-07 12:14

so cool :o
2016-03-23 12:51

Fashion Guru
Good mix. I would change her legings but still good.
2016-06-14 11:23