Angel of Death

By Unicorns on October 30th, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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Since way before the release of HoT I wanted to make a sort of D3 looking angel character, and I finally feel like i had all the armor pieces to pull it off. I think it turned out pretty nicely, and I took screenshots with both the black and white wings, because I was kinda torn between the two! At any rate, feel free to give some feedback on things i can improve on, or what you liked/disliked about it!

Edit: Some folks on here mention a dislike for the boots so I swapped them out with the Incarnate ones.

Second half of Screens will be with the New boots on.


Zero Cinderfang
Looks amazing
2015-10-30 17:51

Fashion Collector
I'm totally in love. This is my fav skin of the website. Just perfect.
2015-10-30 18:10

Very well done, I love the blue fading on the legs.
If you do ever want to use the black wings gold and black as a color duo would make them look better imo.
2015-10-30 19:53

This looks great, It's better without those wings,
2015-10-30 20:41

I cant put my finger on it because I'm a little conflicted about the pants, but somehow I still think this looks absolutely awesome as hell!!!!
2015-10-30 21:07

Thanks for all the comments everyone! I've had the Radiant pieces forever, and it was nice to actually be able to use them on an armor set that wasn't heavy.

@Lorelilly, as for the pants, i couldn't really find one that would work better except for one called Guild Pants or something like that in the wardrobe, but I have no idea on how to obtain them.
2015-10-31 4:34

Amazing :D Unique, nice idea and perfect dyes!

The only thing I'm not sure is about the boots skin :p
2015-10-31 7:38

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2015-10-31 8:11

Thank you so much!

If I was a cool kid with lots of achieve points I would use the radiant boots most likely, but I'm not unfortunately!

I felt like these fit the bill best, but there are probably other better options out there, If you have any suggestions I'm all ears =)
2015-10-31 8:11

Annette Langmar
Fashion Guru
If you're going for a D3 angel look, maybe the leystone shoulders instead? They have those wispy magic streams kind of like the D3 angels

I also agree with the boots not fitting in. Theyre a bit much, so i'd say pic ka simpler boot. Maybe try the feathered boots
2015-10-31 8:16

@Annette Langmar

I looked at the Leystone Shoulders, but I don't like how they aren't symmetrical. Just kinda my preference, but it bothered me so I didn't bother with them.
2015-10-31 9:41

Annette Langmar
Fashion Guru
I can understand that. Im not a big fan of them either :P
2015-10-31 12:08 in reply to Unicorns

Muesli King
Fashion Collector
I absolutely love this character!
2015-10-31 20:28

Fashion Guru
Like! Gold for you. :)
2015-11-01 12:52

@Muesli King & Exitus_Letalis

Thank you so much! As always I appreciate any and all feedback!

2015-11-01 19:58 in reply to Muesli King

wow!! nicely done :D Gold
2016-01-19 10:33

Looks so amazing, looking forward to playing with other colors
2024-04-27 21:50