Ratchet from the Ratchet&Clank PS2 games

By Brinklehoof on August 31st, 2015
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Orange
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19 6
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So I'm a massive fan of the Ratchet&Clank series, and I decided to make an in-game cosplay of sorts as a tribute to my favourite game series. I hope it's not too terrible - feel free to tell me what you would change :)

Also, I apologize for the photo quality. I edit my photos in Sony Vegas, instead of any real photo editor, so I have to blow up my images to make them larger and that throws off the quality. I edit videos, not pictures, so I apologize in advance for the bleeding your eyes will go through. Enjoy!


nice i would reccomnad on avaitor hat
2015-08-31 16:21

@nirsamra8 I thought about it, but the aviator hat takes away Asura ears :(
2015-08-31 16:34

Fashion Guru
Great idea. He is so cute. :D
2015-09-01 2:16

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