Amelia Syleste 2

By Amelia Syleste on August 20th, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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Amelia's newest ensemble, still with a steampunk-ish feel, more towards the risque Victorian, maybe....Going back and forth with the colors, sometimes I really like the cinder on the skirt, other times, the cobalt. The cobalt looks great with the backpiece, but the cinder is so neat ;p The staff is another frequently changing item. The simple Dredge Pillar fits, but no effect...the Steam Staff has an effect, but less aesthetic appeal...Suggestions welcomed!


Raena Arvalle
Fashion Collector
I'm not really one for Steampunk myself, but this is really well put together! Great job :D
2015-08-20 20:36

Fashion Guru
Really cool! :D Nice screens :)
2015-08-21 2:33

Fashion Guru
Don't know, why I've not commented on this look yet. It's unique and I love it. Never seen something like this before. An abslut gold!
2015-08-28 8:53