Brothers: Daybreak

By Alastor Crow on August 2nd, 2015
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: White
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Shani Von Ducati is the current head of the Light of Tyria. "The Light" is considered to be a group of heroes by some and outlaw vigilantes by others. They are responsible for the assassination and disappearance of some high profile figures that were involved in some of Tyria's most dangerous organizations. They were also blamed for the kidnapping of certain city officials from Divinity's Reach although their involvement in any of these issues were never completely confirmed by the public. Shani's "halo" is an ancient relic rumored to contain Dwayna's life essence and power and was given to him by the former leader of "The Light". He uses it to channel powerful attacks to vanquish his opponents and to place protective barriers and cast strong healing spells when his allies are in danger.

Shani's determination to hunt down "criminals" stems from a catalytic event in his youth where he lost his father and younger brother. He was saved by the bravery and ferocity of his mother who fought her way out of the village during the night of the Flame Legion raid. Along with him, his younger sister was also spared from Baelfire's troops but only to be slain by Mai Trin years later for refusing to join the Aetherblade pirates. His mother joined the Vigil soon after meeting Almorra Soulkeeper but could not urge her only surviving child to follow her.

Under orders from Commander Von Ducati, "The Light" is currently investigating a certain Charr in the Mists who is rumored to be connected with the Flame Legion and the Aetherblade pirates.

**Fun Trivia: This Charr is based on my shih tzu. See last picture.


He reminded me of Ajani Goldmane lol Love it man!
2015-08-02 1:05

Alastor Crow
Thanks! I based the look my dogs. =)
2015-08-02 1:22

Fashion Guru
Looks awesome. Gold!
2015-08-02 5:52

Fashion Guru
Well done picking the only charr face that the monocle works with, then using the monocle :D

Love the weapons, too! I don't see the zodiac staff all that often, and seeing it with your look makes it difficult to understand why - it's secretly perfect for any steampunk fantasy ensemble.

Only one thing which may be more a limitation of the possible sets of armor available, but with all of the other awesome pieces selected the carapace chest piece comes off as flat. I'd love to see this with the radiant chestpiece - so you know, just get 30k achievement points and you're set. No sweat, right?

Also /hi5 on the halo
2015-08-02 12:52

Alastor Crow
Thank you Sharkey and Thilie!

@Sharkey: I recently switched the aetherblade armor for the carapace because of some minor clipping with the shoulders. You're absolutely right about the Radiant armor but eehhh... I'm still a few thousand AP away from that lol. Also, I love the Charr collection on your page man. They're not the easiest ones to design but definitely reward when they come out right.
2015-08-02 15:12

Fashion Guru
Awesome, your dogs do a really good job playing model :D
2015-08-03 2:32

Alastor Crow
Thank you =D
2015-08-03 4:36

I do not know why but laughs instantly when I saw the face of the dog =D
2015-08-04 0:29

Alastor Crow
Ferocious isn't he? lol
2015-08-04 1:30

Looks good but I hate toy dogs.
2015-10-15 9:42

Fashion Collector
Great job on making one of the most unique Charr out there !
2015-10-17 20:42

Alastor Crow
@Garrius: Thanks man.

@Kroak: "Hate"? Thanks for the compliment but man you got issues.
2015-10-18 12:41

Me encanta. Me pregunto como quedaria en un modelo femenino?!!
2016-07-29 8:44