
By Lorelilly on May 31st, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Brown
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A few days back I found an old text file with a story I was writing about my guild wars characters.
I think there was a site or something where people did that and I figured I'd give it a go, but then
never really finished it... Anyways, I got inspired by the story and decided to make one of the main
characters and thus meet Rune ^0^''

Now for the armor I've been messing around with the pants and colors a lot, since in the story Rune
wears a leather coat I decided to go with a darkbrown although black also looks pretty nice.
Owh... and it's my first attempt at a male outfit, please be gentle? *puppydogeyes*

** Since I do not want to pagestretch more than necessary, I'll upload a screenshot of Rune's part
of the story and do please excuse me my Engrish, I haven't had time to properly fix grammar and


I love the outfit! The dyes are perfectly accentuated and the blue glow matches his "blazing blue eyes" perfectly ;D
On the screen together with Lorelilly he looks like Chris Hemsworth xD
Also gj on using 5 different sets and still getting such a coherent look, well done :D
2015-05-31 10:05

Fashion Guru
Yes its like the armorparts would belong together. Really good job. If i had a male engineer i would copy that outfit *-* (if allowed xD)
2015-05-31 10:34

@Hylek, thank you, also for taking the time to read the story!
@Silver, I'd be honored ^0^
2015-05-31 10:41

Fashion Guru
great job Lorelilly :)
2015-05-31 10:55

@Aurska, Thank you~! ^0^
2015-05-31 11:56

Fashion Collector
wow..perfect dyes, perfect armor combination, awesome!
2015-05-31 20:42

Fashion Guru
Oh I'm in love with him, so charming.
2015-06-01 3:31

Fashion Guru
he's perfect! can't say more than this xD insta gold! great job, (again) dear :D
2015-06-01 16:04

So much love!
*tries not to cry and cuddles everyone*
2015-06-01 16:29

Fashion Guru
I'm speechless! Great work! Especially the dyes ;)
2015-06-06 9:05

Igneous Ray
Fashion Collector
Ah, the classic "old text file." I know my own computer is like an archeology site and every few years I find myself brushing off a portion of my story in its original highschool state. :P

I read your page. You actually got me curious about your protagonist, but as far as I can tell, this is the only character for which you've uploaded a sheet of lore. I know you said that story was never finished, do you do much writing otherwise?

Ah and I like your character + armor + dyes here too.
2015-06-13 21:35

@Mandala Thank you ^0^
@Ray hahaha I know right! I got so many text files I don't even remember half of what is in them X3
Well, technically this is pretty much where the story started, I haven't really written much about the
main character, though she is a descendant of my gw1 elementalist, so I got most of her planned
out already... Lately I don't write as much as I used to, really need to start doing that again, I kinda
miss writing ^^''
Guildie of mine and I were actually talking that it would be interesting if people would actually upload
background information about their characters on here as well.
Here is a link to a bit more of the story if you're interested -
2015-06-13 21:51

Igneous Ray
Fashion Collector
I'm actually deeply sad that despite GW1 and GW2 being my main MMOs, both far exceeding the hours I put into other video games, neither have a biography feature.

I've always thought that every online RPG that has nameable customizable characters should have bios. With the modern implementation of APIs and social networking, I feel that each game should also have an official site where you can choose to browse/share those bios as well as other stats and achievements.

Anyway, before I go into a full rant I will say I like your idea of screenshotting text for that purpose. I don't post lengthy backstories for my characters in the descriptions here because people are really on this site to look at styles. However, uploading it as one of the screenshots is sort of the perfect workaround for this site in particular.

As far as writing goes, until two years ago I also did not write as much as I hoped. At the time, my story was in a fanfic state and chapters were between 500-2000 words. I think the turning point was when I decided to try for publisher standards. I started avoiding adjectives, lengthening chapters and establishing a world of my own. Now it's a 120,000 word novel and I just finished my second editing sweep on it.

You may find that could work for you. As you get more into it, it becomes easier to make the time too.
2015-06-14 18:38