Delusion Mesmer

By lyriumnug on April 9th, 2015
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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I gave my mesmer a makeover, and shortly after the mystic toilet rewarded me with the Delusion staff, so I went for a look to match that since I couldn't sell the bugger anyway. I've missed being a wandering rainbow at any rate.


Love the vibrant colors!
2015-04-10 0:47

Fashion Collector
She is so lively and colourful. That staff is inspiring. I remember making an armor just for that staff too a year ago or even longer.

Very nice.
2015-04-10 10:01

kind of a lot going on here, I think you should get rid of the green on the hands and and work it in somewhere else where it would be more subtle I would try white where the green is currently maybe?
2015-04-11 1:30

Fashion Guru
Oooooh so much magical colours!!! I looove it! ^_^
2015-04-11 5:06

Fashion Guru
colours powa *-* gj!
2015-04-11 10:34

Fashion Guru
you are like a rainbow *-*
2015-04-15 9:47

Fashion Guru
I love the colors!! And I'm so jealous of the staff. It's on of my favorite skins, but of course I can't buy it.
2015-04-23 11:48

Fashion Guru
Cultural spammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I do however appreciate the colors. Silber for j00
2015-09-19 13:55