Absolute Territory

By SkeletalHorses on March 26th, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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I recently bought the Phoenix Armor Skin and wanted to use it on my necro, but the entire set didn't fit her that well. I ended up with a look that somewhat resembled my own IRL style. So-named because of the phenomenon that is the type A Zettai Ryouiki (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ZettaiRyouiki) which this get-up features.


Annette Langmar
Fashion Guru
oooo I hate those shoes but I'm gonna overlook them because the rest of the outfit is on point. I appreciate your strategic use of shadow abyss as opposed to just dunk tanking your dyes with it.
2015-03-26 9:45

Fashion Guru
That first screenshot from your additional Screenshots is absolutly great. Good Job! :)
2015-03-26 10:02

Nice! I kind of like these shoes :D
2015-03-26 10:47

Fashion Guru
I really like this look, very simple but effective. :)
2015-03-26 11:26

It's a simple, but awesome looking outfit. I think there are better shoe choices out there, though. Good job nonetheless. :)
2015-03-26 11:33

Fashion Guru
Oooh she looks amazing!! :D
You dress like this in real life too? Thats sooo cool!!! ^o^
2015-03-26 12:23

Maeve Mavolent
Agree that the shoes are a bit off but the rest is so nice! Very much how a modern Necromancer should dress!
2015-03-26 12:33

Fashion Guru
She looks like she jumped straight out of a vampire manga. Also, nice zettai ryouiki ;)
2015-03-27 23:23