Winter Wanderer

By Karra Raa on January 22nd, 2022
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Blue
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Mix of wintry colors and cozy hues, wrapped up in a nomadic messy, unconventional, free style...Wherever I may roam....
Horns of the Dragon Helm // Shoulder Scarf // Studded Plate Coat, Gauntlets, Boots // Nightmare Court Legguards

Dyes: Charcoal // Dry Silver // Far Mountain // Enameled Amenity


I haven't seen such a mix of armor and weapons in a long time. This has nothing to do with style, sorry
2022-01-23 17:24

I quite like how the chestpiece and legs fit together and how you use the TA legs on a non sylvari. The dyes fit well into the shiverpeaks and the backpack, swords and helmet work well together for a norn-y beasthunter look.

That said, i feel like the dyejob isn't quite there yet. I feel like the blue on the gauntlets is a bit much and would work better as a highlight on the studs rather than the armors main color.
The backpack also doesn't look that well "tied together" with the rest of the outfit and dye scheme yet. Having some of those dyes on the legs or boots as well might help. Maybe try to get the helmet closer in color to the horn and bone elements of the backpack?
The bow doesn't really fit the outfit at all.
2022-01-24 5:41

Karra Raa
You are right about the dyes! Changed them with Charred, Midnight Bronze, Enameled Generation, Enameled Brass. Much better. Thank you for the constructive feedback :)
2022-01-25 11:38 in reply to Gewreid

Could you add a pic with the new colors?
I'm curious how it looks now.
2022-01-26 9:12 in reply to Karra Raa

Karra Raa
uploaded one...what do you think? am I getting there? :)) thx!
2022-01-26 16:34 in reply to Gewreid

It's quite a different outfit now but as the Ambrite Weapons are one of my favorite sets, i like it. ;)
2022-01-28 11:09 in reply to Karra Raa