North American Frontiersman/North American Trapper

By Lithril on October 10th, 2020
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Brown
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This is a look derived from the wild men, AKA, frontiersman or trappers of North America. Using hides, furs and living off of the land out of the settled areas in the wild, away from most civilization... Took quite a bit of dye work, but it is EXTREMELY flexible for the dyes.

Again, most of the armors are messed up thanks to gw2 style website. as below are the dyes used(most are very flexible to what you want to use) as well as the armor pieces.
(note: i have included neutral lighting screenshots from hero window)
(further note: packs can be universal, you have many choices here such as practical leather worker pack, guild pack etc or NONE at all :) )

* Bear Ceremonial Hood: (top) Adobe (bottom) Calfskin

* Medium Houndskin Mantle: (top)Dust(left)Charred(right)Calfskin

* Mist Walker Coat: (top)Charred(left)Adobe(right)Godless

* Rascal Gloves: Both charred

* Marauder Pants: All are Calfskin

* Medium Mursaat Brogan: (top left)Charred (top right)Charred(bottom left) Darkness (bottom Right)Calfskin

I chose mursaat brogans because they can fill in for the bear ceremonial boots if you dont want to work towards them or buy them, they are not cheap and quite difficult to acquire unless you pvp a lot. The bear ceremonail feet/boots are also issues with the fact they are too short around the ankles and it wouldnt make sense survival wise for slipper vs fur boots.


It doesn't look bad, although I find the fishing rod unsuitable. Armor colors are ok, I personally don't really like the grey/silver tone. As for screens, there are so many beautiful forest areas etc. in the game that could support this idea. And I would advise you to use zoom... The idea is already available on GW2 Style, mostly better implemented.
2020-10-11 2:54

Fashion Guru
I feel like half of the opinions stated above aren't rly objective but oh well. I like the look, it's solid and you definitely captured the frontiersman/trapper look! More screenshots would be nice but still, the look is clear.
2020-10-11 8:36

Fashion Collector
It looks like documenting a presentation. Nice concept. Overall, few shots to evaluate the presentation. But the appearance of the character is a plus. There is such a color. Dry Silver. Try to use it for shoulder straps.
2020-10-12 13:55