One armed Wolf - Sekiro

By Lira_Silverwing on July 4th, 2020
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Brown
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I am rebirth
I am the tear in the ties
Wake me when I die again
I am rebirth
Cycle of spirit denied
Get back up and try again

-Rebirth Gavin Dunne 2019

Inspired by the protagonist of the game Sekiro-shadows die twice

Location: Queensdale
Character: One armed Wulf
Class: Mesmer

_____Items used_____
No helm
Shoulder scarf
Forgeman Raiment
Pirate hook
Heritage Pants
Foefire Greaves
Belinda's Greatsword

_____Dyes used_____
Lemon tint (for the cloth color/scarves)
Dusky (main orange-brown ish color)
Murky Gray (secondary color)
Grave (tertiary color mainly for the armor bits and for the hook)

Discuss this look on Reddit at GuildWarsDyeJob!


Fashion Guru
Love it! It's a pretty toned down mix but it's nice :) Not too familiar with the orignal character but your look seems very accurate!
2020-07-08 4:55

Fashion Guru
Thanks glad you like it ;D
2020-07-09 12:01 in reply to TheKimmynator

I like your cosplay! Silver
2020-07-13 11:55

Fashion Guru
ye'rr not a gold giver are ye? anyways thanks i guess
2020-07-13 12:40 in reply to Frans

Your Alfhild the Warrior Queen is good, and I've given gold for it. Here on the other hand is good, but static pictures (plus night shot) and not even 10 steps movement on map do not convince me. I also deducted some points for description
2020-07-19 3:50 in reply to Lira_Silverwing

Fashion Guru
wow so you deduct points on gw2 style, a site meant for fashion on location and time of day ingame? wow

this site either needs to be redone or needs to rethink when giving titles like "fashion guru" out.
2020-07-19 7:13 in reply to Frans

Victoriana Volturi
Knowing the game, there isnt a better job than this one! :D
2022-09-09 19:18