Jonquil Silverlace

By mkene on May 12th, 2020
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Green
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Jonquil is a dogmatic firstborn who is hard-pressed to trust outsiders and, after Mordremoth, her own brothers and sisters. She has vowed to spend the rest of her days in Maguuma, culling the weeds -- assuring the atrocities that happened there will never again.

Head - Glint's Gaze
Shoulders - Ornate Guild Pauldrons
Chest - Oaken Coat
Gloves - Draconic Gauntlets
Legs - Grasping Dead Leggards
Feet - Elegy Greaves

Backpiece - Fervid Censer

Glider - Mordrem Glider

Weapons - Warden Sword
Weapon Swap - Dreamthistle Staff

Auric Infusion effect from the Herta Bloodstone Dust gobbler. I wish I had money. :P

Colors (armor) - Kelly Green, Electro Lemon, Pastel Sea, Spring Ice, Flare, Midnight Yew, Forgiveness, Old Jeans

Colors (glider) - Daybreak, Spring Dew


Love the combo! Well done!
2020-05-15 6:33

I find this eye mask & staff combination interesting (that would be would also be advantageous for other weapons Dreamthistle Skin). But I like this
2020-05-17 13:45

Thanks, Mexis :)
2020-05-18 14:42 in reply to Mexis-Maximus

Thanks, ieva! Dreamthistle is probably my favorite weapon set so far. I can't wait to experiment with a few more of them, saving up now :)
2020-05-18 14:44 in reply to ieva

Her eyes... I like that.Gold
2020-06-12 23:44