Ministry Bodyguard

By Carvanha on July 23rd, 2019
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Silver
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Hi guys,
I initially made this revenant character as an attempt to solo RP as much as possible since HoT was released a few years ago. Back then I really like the idea that all the characters I make have an identity crisis where they'd rather pass off as another race for example a norn that really want to be a human, a human that wants to look like a sylvari and in this case a sylvari that wants to be a human. The look remain unchanged since.

To fit the theme, I created a backstory whereby this character right after awakening as a rev, couldn't withstand the volume and amount of voices in his head.

1325 AE
Right after defeating the Green Knight, he ventured far away in an attempt to minimize the noise generated by the pale tree as well as the other sylvari and the Nightmare court. He made his way to Claypool passing off as a human soldier by wearing armor looted from dead guards around Kessex Hills. He then seek refuge in Divinity's Reach as a ministry guard for the human nobles, startling random sylvari tourist who could identify him despite the fully covered armor.

1328 AE
While on the mission to guard nobles while traversing the heart of maguuma led by Lord Faren, he was corrupted by the call and proceed to slay the nobles after crashing the airship.

Thank you fallen and lal for helping me out with the screenshots


Good start here. My only point of criticism is your armor mix. The scarf doesn't fit here at all. Classic shoulder would look nicer. And Mawdrey seems totally out of place: not only stylish, also in colour (I don't know if you wanted to set a "corrupted" accent with it?). Any variation of the Warmaster's Pack or Lightbringer's Pack would emphasize your style more. Just like Genesis instead of purple shimmering Entropy, which (although you can't see it anywhere on screens) you have specified.
2019-07-23 6:07

Aldon Vinetwig
Fashion Collector
I really like the unique idea of a Sylvari trying to pass off as a human guard. I also like that your screens tell the full story of your description - that's great :)
2019-07-24 18:03