Toxic Hazard Community Protective Suit

By Rrax on June 9th, 2019
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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A new version of the mesmer, who conducts research on the toxicity of society. Unfortunately, the dragon has eaten my work, so I'm going to take more pictures.
To be continued...


Your screen with glider looks great, but I'm waiting for continuation ...
2019-06-10 14:29

Fashion Collector
I mean, it's cool.
Glider and weapons fit pretty perfect with the colours but I'm missing your character standing in PvP taking notes :o
Also, black and orange isn't the hardest to combine, so maybe try to get your hands onto the 'Scientific weapons' and make your armor in that style - would love to see that :D
2019-06-15 17:11