Energy Harvester

By Mitrezz on June 7th, 2019
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Blue
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This is my Firebrand named Le Chach. His looks came together by the powerful aura that radiates only by the type of his race. Every piece of equipment just hooked, naturally, one after another, making this simple, yet glorious look. The dyes are similar and dark from piece to piece so it fits the gloves, the shoulders and the mask.


From my point of view, nothing here fits together. Not colors and also not armour type/material. Shoulder are with branches and ribbons, chest with stone, trousers with metaildails, gloves made of ice crystals and steampunk back item. As if that weren't bad enough, still a chaotic mixture when choosing weapons.
Fortunately, everyone can wear what they want, but as you present something like this on the fashion page, it's amazing.
2019-06-07 9:00