Whisper's Secret Human Necromancer, tribute to Jspidy

By Caronte Stigio on April 14th, 2019
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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Whisper's Secret Human Necromancer
with slight modifications on the original work of user "Jspidy"
I add variation of some colors and the incorporation of shoulder pads in the event that it dispenses with the hood.
I bring different weapons with colors similar to clothing.
You have a strong dark necromancer character the whole set.

Always in gratitude for the work of the user "Jspidy", source of inspiration https://gw2style.com/look.php?id=2139

*The database does not have the scepter accessory
Armor links:
Scepter Mordant Cesta: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mordant_Cesta
Focus Adam https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adam
Staff Final Rest: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Rest


Your pictures are beautiful. For that I forgive gold. The rest I rate with 0.
(Original here is only your idea - to use boring Whisper's Secret armor from head to toe, which already got bronze medals at your linked inspirationsquelle in 2014...)
2019-04-15 4:58

Caronte Stigio
Thank you!!!
I never said it was origianl
Of course it is not original, I just mentioned that it is a variation in terms of color and added some elements respect to the design generated by the user "Jspid"
Maybe someone might like this modification
I'm glad you like the screenshots
2019-04-15 9:38 in reply to Frans

You went to a lot of trouble with screens. My tip - pay more attention to lighting your character (turn around on your own axis, there will notice difference, even on dark colored armor). And screens in rooms and/or at night are also not advantageous.
What armor means: if your goal was - to look like a boring NPC, - you have achieved that :) Since this is your first presentation, I don't give away a medal rating.
2019-04-16 7:19

Caronte Stigio
Thank you very much for tips !!
It is true that darkness does not please the enhancement of clothing.
I wanted to offer the typical character to the clan of the Whisper's Secret to show screens that manifest the clear-dark effect.

The effects of lighting sources really exist, but it is true that it does not please the enhancement of clothing, but keep in mind that it is necessary for a dark necromancer, and not for a lovely and gleaming ele or mesmer.

My objectives, (mentioned in the description) are:
"with slight modifications on the original work of user" Jspidy "
I add variation of some colors and the incorporation of shoulder pads in the event that it dispenses with the hood.
I bring different weapons with colors similar to clothing. "
2019-04-16 9:53 in reply to ieva

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