Sentinel Blindeye

By Lanaya Mirrorblade on April 4th, 2019
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Brown
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With the new Iron Legion jetpack, I wanted to change my look up and also use the Dredge chestpiece - I think it looks pretty nice dyed properly even though it is a tad low-texture compared to some of the other armors.


Fashion Guru
He looks dangerous! And I see the Fused rifle for the fist time. Cool! Err, I mean hot :D I especially like the dark green dye you used, makes the look really interesting. I would like to see some little lore story about this furry boy :)
2019-04-05 11:58

I like the color mix.
The screens have not become so good... And from new Iron Legion jetpack you can hardly see anything, because you don't have a screen from the back/or side
2019-04-05 14:02

Lanaya Mirrorblade
Agreed and I actually think the jet pack was a mistake as the back piece really has an issue with positioning as it just floats in the air. I’m probably changing that piece of it. I’ll post better screenshots later today
2019-04-05 14:53