Halcyon The Azure Wizard

By PrincessPoop on March 26th, 2019
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Blue
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After graduating from the Rata Sum Statics college, Halcyon became Krewe leader of Aquadica, a group of asura studying Tyrian hydrology, specifically concerned with how Zhaitan's corruption affected water potability. Initially, the Krewe began to focus their attention on the area of Lychcroft Mere within Kessex Hills. While the rest of her Krewe was gathering samples from the swamp, Halcyon stumbled across an injured raven stuck in the mud and felt sympathy for the creature. Owing her its life, the raven felt compelled to accompany Halcyon on her adventures and she grew to love the bird so much that she shapes her water magic in his likeness. She and her Krewe have since begun research into reverting bodies of water back to their natural state after being corrupted and have recently been studying in the crystal desert in the wake of Balthazar and Kralkatorik.


Some pictures are a bit unfavorable (because you are somehow in shadow), others are very great. I also like your armor mix and the colors. Gold ;)
2019-03-26 7:36

Thank you! im not sure which pics youre referring to but if its the last couple with pink rock in the background its just because its night time, not shadows. in retrospect, those probably would have looked better during the day. Appreciate the feedback.
2019-03-26 14:29 in reply to Frans

Fashion Collector
I find this Asura hairstyle really very beautiful and unfortunately I see it much too rarely at Asuras. You have chosen colours and armour well and I like your screen variety as well.
2019-03-27 15:17

Thank you! i agree about the hair, it definetly has problems "sticking" to the ears when they go up while your in combat and it would be so cool of anet to fix that. Other than that though its like you said, super cute hair wish i saw it more often.
2019-03-27 16:24 in reply to otukando