Tiny wizard trying to find her own identity!

By Quaggan Bear on March 25th, 2019
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Green
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Hi there! This is my very first attempt. I hope you all like it ^^


The walking golems, the shiny asura gates, the constant talking about the Eternal Alchemy...somehow Lili doesn't really feel at home in Rata Sum. She feels like she has can find her talents somewhere else, but where? What other place is full of knowledge? It's time to explore and hopefully find out...


...nice to see an asura... The colors I find good and screens also ok (except your head picture^^ there should be your character in the foreground!). As for armor mix - a little too much magician parts. I give you silver
2019-03-25 18:50

Fashion Collector
I like the color scheme of your armor. I think it's a pity that your Asura in the pictures of the environment is very devoured and unfortunately does not show to advantage.
2019-03-27 15:20