Dreamy Dragon Priest

By Skyr Dreymi on June 29th, 2017
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Green
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“But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them.”
? Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea

Hello there!
This is my first look showing my main - a full heal Druid.
She is inspired by the HoT story, valuing Trahearnes legacy, with the Shadow of the Dragon helmet to remind herself of the all time present threat. No one shall forget those who were lost in the fights against the elder dragons.
Please tell me anything I could do better! This was my first time really taking screenshots, so I'm curious for your opinions.


really creative look!
I never quite liked this helmet, but seeing the backstory and your reasoning for it, I quite like it
the dyes are gorgeous!
for a first upload, this is really well done and I hope you stay around :)
gold from me
2017-06-29 13:50

Fashion Guru
pretty unusual, but cool idea
I´d probably take another staff though; the elite spec staff would fit pretty well, it´s more natural than the toy staff
still a good first upload, gold
2017-06-29 13:51

Skyr Dreymi
Thanks for the feedback! I feel the same about the toy staff, but with the skins I have available, I couldn't find one that'd fit better. The elite spec staff fits into the theme, I agree, but the colours actually don't fit the armour, so I abandoned it :/
2017-06-29 14:54 in reply to thunderstruck

Fashion Collector
this is nice for your first upload! i like your color combination.
i agree about the staff. i actually think the druid's staff would work, maybe the gnarled staff from the HoM because it has a green light when you use it, but i can understand having to work with limited stuff!
as far as screenshots, i think you're headed in the right direction. you could probably play around with post processing or the camera sliders some more, but i think they're good for your first time!
2017-06-29 20:48

What an unusual armor-comb :o
I probably would not have been convinced of the helmet, but i like how you explained it in your story ... cant argue with that ;D
For your first upload the presentation is really nice in general!
I like the colours you chose for your look! Together with the sword and warhorn it creates a really unique and pretty style!
I agree with the others that there are better options for the staff though :P

The variety in your screens is really nice!
Some tips for further improvement here:
Many screens are pretty far zoomed out. Try to zoom in more and then use the camera options to adjust your field of view.
Also i happen to notice that all your screens are from night-time. Since your char is nicely visible despite that, its not a big deal, but usually i prefer at least some screens from daytime :P
For presentation-purpose its nice to have a screen from hero-panel or char-select to show your outfit in neutral lighting. Its always nice to see that, since the environmental screens often have weird light or "distort" the colours.
Last but not least ... i think theres an option in the settings where you can turn off those red ring around enemies. Its really helpful for taking screens ;D

Overall a great and interesting first upload!
Id like to give you a Gold for uniqueness and effort!
2017-07-01 12:46

Fashion Guru
Wow, I feel really harsh here but it's high silver from me. Absolutely great first upload 100% that's for sure. For me that pastel mint is just too bright in that combination- maybe if you make it the same (undyeable) green glow as the helmet? as it is I feel it is pretty flat and overshadows a lot of nice detail. Armour combo is very nice and unique and I love the quirky Ursula le Guin theme as well. Screens are good but could be better and I'm glad to see them from different areas. I feel a few more close up ones would help us better see your character. This is good and shows a lot of promise. I'd love to see you improve this/ what else you can do so you've definately gained a follower :)
2017-07-01 16:23

Elessar Taralom
Really great first upload!
My favourite part about the look is definitely the dye scheme, I really like that pastel rose colour you brought in, it´s really original
While personally not a big fan of the helmet, you made good use of it here and it definitely fits the druid theme
As the other mentioned, the staff is a little off, but I already saw you took the criticism and realised it :P
The screens are really good for a first upload, with some more getting used to the whole process and the little tricks I am sure we will see some super cool stuff from you soon! ^^
Gold :3
2017-07-04 6:07