You Know That Character After a Time Skip Looking All Scruffy

By bread on October 11th, 2016
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Red
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After a 2 year break, I previously wasn't fond of playing warrior so I didn't really spend much time on her look. As HoT came I liked the new berserk mechanic and thought about the time skip tropes where characters comeback all scruffy.

----------------------verbal vomit line----------------------

So basically I always start with my heavy armor staples of Phalanx boots and Gloves. The mask was always there but I usually just hide the head slot since I do spend a lot of time creating faces, but I felt it was a perfect fit.

On to the butt cape! I've always loved fabric tassets for my heavies, previosly it was stag mail but it felt there was too much skin so next piece was immediately Braham's Towel which I've used on my guardian.

The chest piece....oh this part....this is the one that annoyed me the most. I started with Eagle Mail as it was the previous chest piece and Mistward Plate. I wasn't sold on both, Eagle Mail just felt wrong and Mistward felt Though I consulted a friend she told me Mistward looked better. My problem besides being too ninja was I really like the tats.

So I opened my wardrobe and found a new contender which was Flamewrath Chestplate (errmahgerd effects! I rarely do effects) which seemed pretty good especially with the left arm guard in combination with phalanx left hand armor, and then I saw the Arah heavy top with the bandages and it just clicked; I'm a sucker for rags.

So that's sort of my process, it's a mess. My only regret is the hair clipping, but I love the hair and those things at the end of her braids...dat hairclipping...anet pls...

Discuss this look on Reddit at GuildWarsDyeJob!


Very nice look!
I love the nomad/ rugged fighter style you put together.
The greatsword skin is one of the coolest ingame and its nice to see a cool look created around it!
The armor-comb and colour-scheme totally hit my taste and youve got some nice screens to present the look!
I wouldve loved some thoughts about that style in your description, since it falls very flat. And though your screens are very nice, i feel like its too much of the same location ... some different areas wouldve been nice (if you wanted the desert theme. the borderlands wouldve been cool too).
Anyway, great upload, the description should be bigger next time, but your style still convinced me to give you a Gold ;D
2016-10-11 12:07

Hahaha that description, I always thought of it in the tone of Dolan Duck. Actually I'm usually a bit lost on writing but, as you said, thoughts on constructing the look is a good place to start. Planning to edit that soon when I get some sleep!

The screens were supposed to be simple both sides and front to back, buuuut yeah I kept taking more.

Glad you like the look and thanks!
2016-10-11 14:33 in reply to Hylek

Fashion Collector
Gold all the way from me!
This just looks amazing, and personally I haven't seen much (if anything) like this!
The weapon and armor fit well together and the dyes are on spot.
Your description tells the story of my life and your screens are well done!
2016-10-12 11:45

Reminds me of that one movie John Carter where (if I recall correctly) the martian humans had tattoos and gladiator styled armor. Looks really cool :D
2016-10-17 21:47

Awesome combination
2017-09-05 11:18