Nyla the Feral Huntress

By Kitty on May 13th, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Black
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This look was inspired by the wilderness and the tough exterior you would need to survive in it. I'm very proud of how she turned out and I hope you guys will like it & even take it, expand on it! whatever pleases you.


I'm no writer, so please judge kindly. This story starts with a young girl being separated from her parents while they were traveling. She found comfort in the jungle as the weeks went by without reuniting with her parents. Nyla was soon taken in and raised by panthers. As a grown woman she prefers the comfort of the forest and animals, she does everything she can to protect her animal allies and keep civilization from destroying her home.


Thank you for reading!


Elessar Taralom
Not thr most outstanding armour mix, but it still looks really nice
The dyes are great, very natural and they just look like real armourparts which adds to the look´s simple flair
The weapons are a great choice and the screens look amazing!
I especially like how her hair colour fits the whole look and how the scar gives her a bit more personality
Gold ^^
2016-05-13 5:16

Fashion Guru
Same as Elessar said. I really like the scar.
A really cool look! Gold for you!
2016-05-13 6:21

Really nice outfit!
I like that you used all the "corner-pieces" of the bladed armor and gave them a more sleek style by using the vipers coat!
Your screens are extremely pretty, makes me want to see more!!! :D
Definitely a Gold look imo!
2016-05-13 9:12

Fashion Guru
The armour mix may not be the most creative or extremly rare but it still looks really nice and works for me. I adore the chestpiece it's really one of my favourites in this game.
I like the overall presentation of that look the bladed pieces are fitting very well and I as well like the scar! It makes it a bit more interesting.
The dyes are very pretty I love the natural colourscheme you used and the weapons are an awesome addition.
I love those screens they are really beautiful and overall this character deserves Gold!
2016-05-13 10:00

She is subtle and badass at the same time. And I absolutely love it.
Everything is subtle and natural. I like the way you played with asymmetrically of your armor.
Great job, gold :)
2016-05-13 13:48

Very nice look !
I love the piece used and the color !
Screens are beautifull.
2016-05-13 16:47

i never really liked the viper's jerkin, but you made it look very cool! with those dyes and in combination with the other armor parts you made it look quite awesome :P gold!
2016-05-14 8:18

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