Golden Huntress

By NanaItalia on May 3rd, 2016
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Gold
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Long time ago, my ancestors came down here from the far North. There in the Shiverpeak Mountains is, where my people originally come from. However, searching even greater beasts to hunt, some traveled to the south and left the snow and the mountains behind. But even her far away from 'home', we did not forget the spirits and our customs. May Bear be my strength, may Snow Leopard guide me into battle, may I be as ferocious as Wolf and may Raven look after me, when my time has come.

Hey guys o/
This is my new look for my guardian. I think she kinda turned out like a heavy exotic barbaric warrior/hunter or something like that^^ I like the idea of a norn adapting to a tropical environment.
I really love the chest piece with the ornaments on it. The leggings might look a bit cut off, but I liked its silhouette and the plated parts in combination with some leather/cloth and the overall used look. I chose the shoulders, because I like them very much (and they were a bit expensive, so I feel like I a to use them xD). The gloves and boots I chose for their small bone spikes, to fit the skulls of the shoulders.
I tried auric weapons on this look, and while the dyes would fit very well, they just look to fancy and elegant for the look imo, so I kept the simple and pretty neutral weapons.
I'm so lucky I got the WvW screens, before the borderlands changed :)

So, hope you like her, tell me, what you think :)


It has very interesting dyes, that green plus brown/golden.
The chest piece looks very very cool on your character because the abdominals. I guess I regret not putting that body to my norn guardian.
The screenshots are very well done.
If I would have to change something it would be the Moss dye in the gloves and put it just a bit darker and I maybe would change the boots. All of this is of course my opinion, however it looks very good!
Gold! :)
2016-05-03 19:08

Very cool and wild look!!!
She reminds me of an Amazon :O
The armor-pieces and colours are very nice and your weapons match perfectly!
On top of that your screens look absolutely amazing! I will miss these borderlands for taking screens :(
You even popped aegis :D
Gold for the golden look ;)
2016-05-03 20:31

Fashion Guru
Beautiful and wild! I really love the combination of gold and green dyes here! Noble, but still natural. She might be the guardian of the jungle. ;)
Gold for her!
2016-05-04 2:24

Elessar Taralom
What a great look! I looooooove the colours on this look, this subtle green in there is just so goodlooking!
Your screens are outstanding, I never really knew all the places in the new borderlands and your screens again reminded me what beautiful places it has to offer!
She really is a fierce warrior, she´d be the perfect companion for my Cernunna!
Have all my gold for another of your brilliant looks! ^^
2016-05-04 5:39

Oh I'm so jealous about this shoulders! :D
Firstly I wasn't sure about the boots, but they are great, everyt armor part is just pertect and fitting to whole concept. Also I love every green shade here :D
Beutiful screens, didn't realise WvW can be so nie place ^_^
2016-05-04 6:15

Fashion Guru
Such an amazing look! I am really stunned by the beauty of your Norn.
I really love the armour mix it looks very interesting and awesome. I especially love the shoulders and the chestpiece and this "tropical" influence to your look is really cool.
I love those colours, the mixture between natural earth- tones with some dashes of green was a perfect choice.
I love the Borderlands it's such an awesome place and I am happy that you had the chance to screen there before they replaced it with the old maps because this location looks really awesome and you managed to make some outstanding screens.
I have to give you credit for removing the aeigs, I know how exhausting it must be (at least what I heard from Hylek xD).
This fierce and gorgeous Norn desveres all the Gold I have! :3
2016-05-04 6:24

Fashion Guru
Here she is! :p
As I already told you, she makes me think of the Mother of dragons I don't really know why! Ahah
I really like the armor mix and the colors! It's natural and savage but noble at the same time! I especially love how the gloves and chest fit together because of the little details on them. Same for the shoulders and boots, they look so good together with the bones and the golden color! ^^
The hairstyle fits perfectly with the style and as Hylek already said, she makes me think of an Amazon too! Or a queen of a jungle tribe or something!^^
In the end the legs looking a little bit cut off is just a minor detail, cause the silhouette looks so good!
Also the screens are very cool, and my favorites are the two where she is standing in the water with mushrooms in the background :)
2016-05-04 8:38

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
great look again! i wasn't sure what to think of the boots as well. but if i would change one thing it would be the spikes of the boots. dark brown to match your shoulders abit more. the colors are awesome. so are the screens. gold
2016-05-04 12:26

Fashion Guru
Amazing screens!
2016-05-04 19:27

Fashion Collector
I love her, the screens are gold, the dyes are awesome, just take all the gold ^^
2016-05-04 21:27

Thank you Migg :)
You're right, the gloves stand a bit out, I didn't notice this. So I'll probably change the dye a bit^^
2016-05-06 4:06 in reply to Migg

Thanks Hylek^^
I actually cheated a bit with the aegis. The screens with the weapons out are from the "raid-trainings-center"-thing in the new aerodrom. You can adjust your boons in there, so I put F3 on cooldown and had about a minute without aegis, and the surroundings fitted very well to my theme :)
2016-05-06 4:09 in reply to Hylek

Uh I like the idea of a guardien of the jungle^^
Thanks silvertree :)
2016-05-06 4:10 in reply to silvertree

Thank you Elessar!
I would be honoured to acompany your beautiful Cernunna on a hunt :)
2016-05-06 4:11 in reply to Elessar Taralom

Thank you lou^^
I put quiet some thougt into using these boots, since I didn't have the skin jet. But with the bonespikes and the nice silhouette they make, I just had to buy them^^
2016-05-06 4:14 in reply to morriganiontko

Thank you AnaChronism, I'm glad you like her^^ As I told Hylek too, I cheated a bit on the aegis. Lot of the screens are from the Special Forces Training Area. There are not mobs, but you can adjust your boons there, so I had about 60sec without aegis^^ So I don't really deserve credits for that xD
2016-05-06 4:24 in reply to AnaChronism

Thank you Acethyle^^
I still don't know how you see the mother of dragons in her haha
I think, I like the water screens the most, too, she looks so cool on them xD
2016-05-06 4:28 in reply to Acethyle

Thanks Kenny :)
I know, what you mean about the spikes on the boots. They kind of take the dyes very weird. They look very light or too dark, I coudn't find a dye, that looks right on them :/ Well, I will try again^^
2016-05-06 4:30 in reply to Deathblade Kenny

Thanks Exitus :)
2016-05-06 4:31 in reply to Exitus_Letalis

Thank you thunderstruck :) Glad you like her^^
2016-05-06 4:32 in reply to thunderstruck

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
Usually shadow dyes work or midnight fire ^^
2016-05-06 7:59 in reply to NanaItalia

Fashion Guru
But it was a smart thought and it deserves to be acknowledged as well! xD
2016-05-06 8:56 in reply to NanaItalia

Fashion Guru
The only thing I don't like about this whole look is the wreath. It's a heavily overused tropes that in my opinion could be left out. Other than that, your beautiful color palette is such a bountiful feast to my eyes.

I reserve my gold vote because of the wreath. It is not bad, it's the limit to your breakthrough of creativity. Your look certainly doesn't deserve silver either.
2016-05-07 14:16

Fashion Guru
Ohhhh, this is lovely!

She looks so *awesome*.

I wish I could just vote gold for everything I love, but apparently that's not a thing you can do on this site?

Oh well.
2016-06-09 10:48

Thanks DigitalKathe :)
Actually you can vote gold, silver and everything. You just need to pull the symbols under the medal so, that the red bars are full, and then klick on 'vote'. A full red bar is best and a white bar is, well not so good^^'
2016-06-09 12:31 in reply to DigitalKathe