She Who Burned the World

By Taeis on March 30th, 2016
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Red
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Her pupils gathered around her, eager ears perked up ready for the days lesson. They were initiates in the School of Elements, their teacher was Athli and their specialty was fire.

Her lecture began...

"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire."

"This is something we had all heard before is it not?"

Her students nodded in enthusiastic agreement.

"Wonderful! For today's experiment we shall ensure the end of this world is fire, and from its ashes we shall shape a stronger one."

She lead the way painting the earth in the destructive power of her vocation, her students in awe behind her...


Daww!! This is the cutest fire ele I've seen on this site! Well done!
2016-03-30 23:25

Such a nice story!
She looks so cute, but still serious enough to belief, that she really would set the world on fire. I love the simpicity of the look, which still creates a great atmosphere. I like her impression screen 3 and 4 best.
Gold from me :)
2016-03-31 3:44

Fashion Guru
I agree with NanaItalia. The 4th picture is my favorite. It looks fiery, but you can also see details of the armor. She is really cute and looks like a real fire magican. :)
2016-03-31 7:18

Elessar Taralom
She looks like Azula became an Asura :p
Really cute character, the armourpieces and dyes are really solid and fulfill their purpose 100%
And the presentation is great! Only thing I´d wish for would be a screen from the character login screen so we can see her dyes in natural light ^^
Will she spare the world if I give her all my gold? :p
2016-03-31 7:48

Aww thank you so much! I've finally figured out some tricks to taking nicer screen shots and totally felt like she was the perfect subject to start with...which involved many deaths from standing in pools of lava in Mt Maelstrom xD
2016-03-31 12:49 in reply to NanaItalia

I'm sad to say I had to look up who Azula was, its been so long since I've watched avatar lol. Also, thank you for the reminder about the login screen I always forget to post those so it has been added =^.^=
2016-03-31 12:51 in reply to Elessar Taralom

Thank you so much for the feedback guys, I really enjoy the fashion wars and will probably be slowly posting a few more of my characters and becoming a little bit more active here.
2016-03-31 12:52 in reply to silvertree

But then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked!

Yep. Nailed the Fire Nation look. Gold from me.
2016-04-04 22:02