Talia Phoenixleaf

By Gape on March 25th, 2016
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Red
Vote Breakdown
1 0
4 0
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My Sylvari fire queen :3


The armor comb looks pretty nice. I like the chest - leg comb! The boots might be a little heavy though, but nothing too bad. The colours are meant to match the fiery appearence i guess, but i feel like they are a bit bland. They erase most details and dont make the armor-pieces shine for themselfs. All they do is blending in with your skin-colour.
The scepter is well chosen for the theme, but you couldve tried to match the colours of the outfit to it! The focus looks completely off.
Now to the unpleasent part:
One screenshot with bad graphics and a 4 word description have never done a favor to anyone!
Why dont you put a little effort in presenting your look here? You see the sliders for voting: "Screenshots" and "Description" are part of your medal-votes!!! Even if you had the best armor-comb in the world, you would never get Gold with just one screen and such a lazy description :(
And i havent even started talking about nice locations and action screenshots!
Please try to present your looks in a nice way!
2016-03-25 13:57

Fashion Guru
totally agree with Hylek here, if you just give us one screen and barely any description, why bother it uploading here?
this look has potential, definitely, but with a presentation like that there is not much to rate here
2016-03-26 14:48

More screenies more screenies more screenies! Up those graphics settings if you can, and the dyes need a bit more flare (no pun intended).
2016-03-27 14:23

much love
2016-05-27 6:23