Bunny Maid

By LikeAKitty on March 23rd, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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Maid/Lolita-fashion inspired look. :)
I LOVE the Aristocrats Coat, because it really reminds of a maid outfit, but I always had a hard time to combine it with other pieces.
I usually wear the Tempest Loop as well, but I felt like it looked better without it and also without weapons/backpiece to fit the location a bit better.

This look is also inspired by the screenshot that got posted by Guild Wars 2 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CeKiQz7UEAAqkIs.jpg


I figured this would happen. xD
2016-03-23 12:07

I'm actually surprised it didnt happen already, because I was searching for this look on here and couldnt find anything like it.
2016-03-23 12:11 in reply to KestrelGirl

Elessar Taralom
Ah, I was waiting for the first Bunny Ear looks to appear xD
But this one is actually really nice! I am personally not the biggest fan of the ears OR maid outfits, but I really have to hand it to you: you made a cute look out of it!
I am glad you actually hid the Tempest Loop despite specifying it here, because it looks way better without it
She´s cute and I´d really like to see some more screens!
2016-03-23 12:16

Fashion Collector
I think you need a glove. And maybe Cabalist Boots instead of Aprentice. But overall it's pretty nice. You could put a bit more pink to go with the pink from the ears, but it may break the feeling of the maid outfit I supose.
And yeah, no tempest loop plz.
2016-03-23 13:33

Someone had to upload bunny ears look. However I'm really happy you did this so well.
Well executed theme, everything fits and your screens are really on point. Would be nice if you add more of them! :)
Also agree with Jeknar, some pinkish accents would be nice ^_^
2016-03-23 16:30

Fashion Guru
I agree that you could try other boots, other than that it´s a cute bunny ear look, me likey
2016-03-23 19:35

Fashion Guru
The chest does not look like a maid outfit to me.
2016-03-24 21:50

I love the combination of Aristocracy + Cabalist armors, great look! :3
2016-03-25 6:04

Ok. But what else does then? ;)
2016-03-25 20:33 in reply to Beanna