
By NanaItalia on March 19th, 2016
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Multi
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I stuggled for some time to find a look for my ranger. It was hard to find something, that felt really satisfying. So I thought, now that I finaly bought the striders armor, I want to use it. I basicly recreated my thiefs look (human) for a sylvari, since I like that one very much. Chest and boots are the same, but the rest has changed :) I really like the transparent back on the sylvari, it looks so good with the pattern.


I did not dream. For a sylvari, I was told; it is common to dream before we awake in this world. The dream teaches us about what awaits us, and gives a certain purpose to some of us. I however did not have a dream. I'm wondering, if something is wrong with me. Maybe I was not ment to awake. The pale tree told me not to worry to much and that I'm a sylvari like every other. I'm still asking myself, if there is purpose for me in this world. I helped my brothers and sisters and worked in the grove, but nothing felt really fullfilling. So I left the grove behind and started wandering the world, explored the lands of Tyria, even the mists... I'm still straying, searching for purpose.


Pure Gold. I love the story and your armor mix + dye choice!
2016-03-19 20:57

I really really, REALLY like the colours *_*
They are so subtle and elegant! She looks more like a thief than a ranger, but still, amazing style!
You always have these natural tones and kinda realistic touches, i love that!
The screens are very athmospheric too!
Gold :D
2016-03-19 21:10

Fashion Guru
Another amazing style! Very interesting dye scheme here ! It's nice how you combined plant armor pieces and "normal" armor pieces, very well done!
I love your screens too ! :)
However I'm not convinced by the fractal weapons here .. But that is just a detail. GOLD :D
2016-03-19 22:11

Fashion Guru
As Hylek, one of the things I love the most about this look is the colors and I also really enjoyed the screens! Very pretty. This is a gold for sure!
2016-03-20 4:35

Fashion Guru
Cute! Gold!
2016-03-20 11:26

Thank you, I'm glad you like it :)
2016-03-21 9:47 in reply to Eremite

Thank you Hylek! :)
2016-03-21 9:47 in reply to Hylek

Thanks Acethyle!
I found it quiet difficult to find weapons to fit the style and am not really satisfied with these ones too.. So if you have any suggestion, I'll be glad to her them :)
2016-03-21 9:50 in reply to Acethyle

Thanks! :)
2016-03-21 9:50 in reply to Exitus_Letalis

Elessar Taralom
I LOVE this look! By now I am usually kinda bored by the StriderĀ“s top, but you really made it work with your exquisite dye work!
Your screens are as always top notch, definite gold! ^^
2016-03-21 9:53

These screens are BEAUTIFUL!!!
2016-03-21 12:34

Fashion Guru
this is just sooooo pretty!
2016-03-21 16:30

Fashion Guru
Beautiful screens and a very awesome armour mix! I love the shoulder piece and I think it was a very good idea to take these!
The dyes are on point and I really like the overall look, you really managed to create something pretty and awesome that deserves Gold! :3
2016-03-21 18:48