
By NanaItalia on March 15th, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Multi
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EDIT: I made some new screens with the same armor but different dyes, to match the steampunk theme better for the GW2DyeJob contest :)

Once she fought beside Captian Mai Trin and the Aetherblades. But when the Aetherblades were taken down, she was captured. Unable to follow Mai Trin into the mists, she made a deal with the Order of Wispers to get part of her freedom back. She would work for them as spy and assassin if needed. The Order does not trust her completely, but still she is able to walk outside of the prison walls again. When the Pact planed to move west imto the jungle, she was send ahead to scout the area. She seems to do her new job as a spy pretty well, but who know, maybe she is just planing the return of the Aetherblades from the mists...

I tried to create a look around the Bladed Boots, because I somehow fell in love with them :) So I went for a mix of metal and leather parts. I find it nice how they work with a short chestpiece and ended up with the Stirders Chest. I lway thought about this chest, that it is overused, but I can see why^^' I planed another leggins original, but in the process I was wearing this one and just fell in love with the lace on the back, and it fits the look pretty well, I think.
All in simple colors but they look quiet different depending on the lighting :)


Fashion Guru
I like the armor mix overall, however I am not a big fan of the pants. I would give the Glorious pants a try. :)
2016-03-15 18:59

Elessar Taralom
really pretty look, I love the colours! and the screens are simply amaaaazing!
2016-03-15 21:20

Fashion Collector
Really good job. I like screen with game of colour. Jungle and sky.
2016-03-16 4:26

Fashion Guru
I really love your looks. Your style is simply beautiful :)
She looks so cool, I love her !
The staff goes perfectly with your armor. Very nice combo !
2016-03-16 12:00

I didn't think I can like Bladed Boots, but you make me love them :D
Very nice and simple look with amazing screens :3
2016-03-16 13:53

Thank you! The Glorious pants have some minor clipping issues with the boots and would be a bit to detailed for the look I was going for, but they were a great alternative :)
2016-03-16 18:05 in reply to Beanna

Thank you, Elessar! I think charred and iron are just my favorite (cheap) colors in the game :)
2016-03-16 18:07 in reply to Elessar Taralom

Thank you Mithras, glad you like it :)
2016-03-16 18:07 in reply to Mithras

Aw, thank you, Acethyle! It's so nice to hear such praising word from you ;)
2016-03-16 18:08 in reply to Acethyle

Thank you, morriganiontko!
I know, what you mean :) This side made me change my mind about so many armor pieces.
2016-03-16 18:10 in reply to morriganiontko

Fashion Guru
Awesome new screenshots! :D
2016-05-13 2:56

Fashion Guru
How come I didn't rate this one earlier D: But better late than never, I think xD
I really like this one your armour mix looks very nice and though the chestpiece may be a little bit overused I still like this one a lot to be bothered about it.
I love the dyes they are looking great on that armour and I really love your screens! They are quite fitting to the steampunk theme :3
2016-05-13 10:07

Fashion Collector
Oi. So do the new presentation. I think it's not bad if you do the new concept for the same armor combo.
2016-05-14 4:08

Thx silvertree :)
2016-05-15 12:21 in reply to silvertree

Hm, I don't know, but there are many awesome looks, I miss and alwasy wonder, where they came from xD
Anyway, thank you AnaChronism :)
2016-05-15 12:23 in reply to AnaChronism

I kinda don't feel good, when posting a look with the same armor twice. In this case, the old and new style are pretty similar in the dyes, too, but I can understand your point :)
2016-05-15 12:24 in reply to Mithras

Fashion Guru
Aaaah, this is really awesome!

I love her! The whole look is really wonderful and I often struggle to get such nice looking looks for some of my Medium Armor ladies and a lot of my Heavy Armor ladies.

Again, I wish I could give you gold, but apparently all I can give right now is bronze......
2016-06-09 10:54

2017-08-08 15:38

Fashion Guru
You are an artist, amazing
2020-06-06 8:33

Fashion Guru
You are an artist, amazing
2020-06-06 8:33