The Harpy Queen

By Acethyle on March 12th, 2016
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Brown
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While exploring the steppes and climb the hills of Ascalon, you might end up in a dangerous place. A place where no one wish to be : the nest. But not just a simple nest... The one sheltering all the cruel dangerous harpies from Tyria . And you know what they say : harpies are not friendly creatures. Actually it's all the contrary. Nobody has ever come back from this place, and this is not surprising.
The nest is ruled by the matriarch. A high ranked harpy. She is not like the others. It seems she is more intelligent and stronger than her fellow. This is why she is respected and feared among her sisters : she has more abilities. She might even be the queen of all. She is highly recognizable. Wearing a crown made of bones of her prey, and a pair of brown wings, you can't miss her. Even her clothes are decorated with bones which strangely look like human bones... Certainly the bones of some curious adventurers like you.
If you ask me, you shouldn't go there... Never. I'd recommand you to retreat and run away. Run as fast as you can. Otherwise the matriarch will take you !


This is a harpy look I've been working on for some time. The hawk wings really inspired me and sylvari seemed to be the best option to look like a sort of harpy. So this is the result.

I chose brown dyes to match the wings as much as possible. The leystone headpiece looks like a sort of bone crown so it was an obvious choice for a queen. T2 boots because they really look like branches from the harpy nests.
The whispers leggings might be a questionable choice but I personnaly think it was the best option here. It's refined but not too much which is perfect for a harpy queen the way I imagine it ! ^^
The primitive chest for the tribal touch, the profane gloves for the claw aspect, and the ascended epaulets for the kind of feathers on it.
This face seemed perfect because of the eyebrows which look like feathers imo^^
And finally the red glow and eyes to match the weapons!
Hope you like the look :)


Perfect as always!
The second screens with the feathers flying away is so spot on :D
I alos really like the screens around the nest, like the main picture!
And the ones with the swarm of birds in the background are so fitting too xD
They are all great!
Your comb fits the story like a glove! To top it all of, the sylvari glow matches the weapons so incredibly well *,*
Max sliders as usual! ;D
2016-03-13 0:01

wow great harpy concept! I'm normally not a fan of wings in GW 2 but this is just great over all. Your screen shots sell the harpy concept with the harpy knights ,hatchings & eggs. color bleding is so cool & soft to the eyes
2016-03-13 0:34

Three harpy queens in three months from three different people. And they're all unique!
2016-03-13 0:48

Fashion Collector
Bien mieux avec ces épaules ! Elles s'assortissent parfaitement avec le haut (je vois aussi que tu as finalement pecho les gants profane \o/)
La luminescence colle très bien avec le focus et le bâton, well done. Les yeux sont encore un peu trop rosés de nuit, dommage (mais soyons honnête ce n'est qu'un détail à peine visible et indépendant de ta volonté). J'avais des doutes concernant le choix des oreilles mais en fin de compte ça va très bien comme ça je trouve.
Gold & hâte de pouvoir faire un duo avec ma harpie ! :D
2016-03-13 5:25

Fashion Guru
Tout tes mixs sont splendides ! Il n'y en a pas un seul que je n'aime pas, tu es très doué(e) pour faire des mixs aussi magnifiques qu'uniques ! Encore une fois, gold god gold ! ;)
2016-03-13 6:11

Wow, this is amazing! How could one not give that look GOLD!?
I love your story! The dyes and color of the wings, the armor and your character, the just work perfeclty together. I especialy like the red glow at night on her skin and in the eyes. I think the illoustious shoulders and the profane gloves are a genius choice. Your screens are great as always! :)
2016-03-13 6:53

Elessar Taralom
I think those are by far the best screens you ever made, your editing improved so much, they are breathtaking! I am so happy you finally uploaded her, I was waiting so long now for her to be in my followed looks!
You know I love her, the story is great, the dyes are spot in and I especially like the crown on her bald head! As always you paid great attention to every little detail in your weapon choice, gold ofc ^^
2016-03-13 8:29

wow, this looks absolutely amazing! Especially with the red eyes and the fitting glow. I wouldn't have thought that having the skintone and the dyes of the armour be the same color, would look this good- but it just makes it over all really coherent. Gold for sure :)
2016-03-13 9:30


You nailed it with the colors...perfect! I would love to see something like that ingame...I think if I saw you gliding in-game I would bug for a moment and think it was a new harpy race lol
2016-03-13 13:47

Just amazing. That´s an awesome look! Simply Gold :)
2016-03-13 15:27

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
i told you before this is a master piece. gold ofcourse
2016-03-13 17:23

Fashion Guru
Perfect, i don't even know what to say xD it's just perfect :3
2016-03-13 18:57

Binny Babbit
The fact that her eyes and skin glow matches the fire on the weapons is brilliant.
2016-03-13 21:33

Fashion Guru
Finally! She is here!!
I simply loove your harpy so much from head to toe. I love the armour mix especially the top and the crown which is so damn perfect for this theme. The dyes are matching the wings and are looking natural and beautiful and that I like a lot.
I adore the bald look of your Sylvary and the evil red glowing eyes. These are such wonderful details that are creating such an awesome and cool look.
Again, your screens are superb and on point. You used some beautiful and perfect locations and especially love the screen with the harpies in the background, very well timed! There's really nothing I could complain about everything is perfectly done and matches your theme in such a great way that I would love to give you more than one Gold- medal x3
2016-03-14 8:27

just exactly the title!! I'm really not into sylvary usually but your is awsome *-*
2016-03-14 9:03

Fashion Guru
aaaand another gold here for you! amazing as always. i really love this concept! great job :D
2016-03-14 12:19

Fashion Guru
Thank you guys =)
2016-03-14 20:36

Fashion Guru
Awesome! As always. ;)
One of the best of your looks. Really unique and creative. Gold! ;)
2016-03-15 3:48

Fashion Guru
Ty silvertree ! :D
2016-03-16 13:24 in reply to silvertree

Curious Samoyed
This likes awesome! One of the most creative looks I have seen! She really does look like a harpy queen but only cooler! Looks like a final boss you'd find in an arcade time game, truly epic!
2017-08-16 20:54