Heimdall´s Watch

By Elessar Taralom on March 2nd, 2016
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Multi
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"Fast move the sons of Mim and fate
Is heard in the note of the Gjallarhorn;
Loud blows Heimdall, the horn is aloft,
In fear quake all who on Hel-roads are."

There is a god who watches the realms of the Gods and the realm of the mortals. With eyes milky and blind, yet all seeing and all knowing, this silent guardian stands watch over the gates that touch the heavens. She is rarely ever heard speaking, but if she does, her words are wise and full of clarity. Though she rarely fights, her mighty blows could even match those of the highest Gods.
Sometimes she is seen accompanied by mighty beasts, but for the most time her watch is a lonely one. Most of the time her sheer presence is enough to ward of evildoers or just noisy humans, sometimes a firm glance from her allseeing eyes is enough to let intruders freez were they stand.

When the Golden Feather Wings were first leaked I just knew I HAD to create a look around those. Finding them fitting for a godlike look I just felt they should go on a tall, regal Norn. Since she is supposed to be a heavy guardian I didn´t want her to look to skimpy or lightly clothed.
The process of finding just the right pieces was really difficult this time around, since the only piece I definitely wanted to intergrate into the look was the Glorious Cap. Even though this looks is not supposed to be a complete female cosplay of Heimdall from the marvel comics I took some inspiration from there. Mostly this is my interpretation of a female Heimdall though. I found that a strong focus on the eyes was necessary, the fact that she is supposed to be blind was very important to me.
Lastly I tried to match the very subtle green hues in the wings in the dye job as well.
I really hope you enjoy her ^^

Discuss this look on Reddit at GuildWarsDyeJob!


Absolutely perfect theme for a norn! Pure gold - both in the look and the rating it deserves! xD
2016-03-02 20:35

Fashion Collector
I say what i see that's all and when i watch your look i see this one: http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=10577
2016-03-03 2:32

Elessar Taralom
Great minds think alike I guess? That's only two out of six pieces anyways ^^ She looked like this for ages now, even before Ben uploaded his look, so I guess I'm allowed to upload this as well
2016-03-03 4:12 in reply to Billy

2016-03-03 5:30

Fashion Guru
those screens, hooooly
such an amazing look, i´m stunned! using a norn for a norse god isn´t farfetched and the armour mix is just great, I love this so much!!
2016-03-03 5:31

Fashion Guru
However I think this look looks great! The Story is awesome and you managed to create a very authentic overall look on her. I am always digging those!
Really nice die choice and a good usage of the tattoos! The wings and weapons are a match made in heaven and damn, you made some beautiful screens! Gold for days :3
2016-03-03 7:14

Elessar Taralom
Thank you! ^^ I was really happy with the screens this time, Norn are just natural beauties and rangers just have an awesome moveset!
2016-03-03 7:20 in reply to AnaChronism

Fashion Guru
I love her golden "statuesque-like" look! She loos so powerful and all!
Amazing work with those screens too!
2016-03-03 7:58

Awesome screens and look as always! :)
2016-03-03 8:07

That look came up in my mind too, but as Elessar already mentioned, only 2 pieces are the same!
And when you go for the golden wings, the colour-scheme is pretty much set.
That said, i LOVE this look ^,^
Your story is so well written, its so awesome!
The screens are perfect as always ;D
Great look with super well executed theme! Gold ofc ^^
2016-03-03 9:32 in reply to Billy

The look matches the story :). Regal and powerful at the same time, and somehow it reminds me of egyptian stuff. Great work!
2016-03-03 10:26

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
just like your armor. gold
2016-03-03 11:00

Fashion Guru
all of your looks are amazing Elessar but this is the cherry on top! Gold for days! LOL
2016-03-03 11:12

Elessar Taralom
ty so much!! will be hard to top that cherry now :p
2016-03-03 11:31 in reply to Purgatori

I like it a lot! :) Since you all have this female Norn rangers / mesmers and so on and so forth ..

i would like to have one too :D :P

Gold for me :)
2016-03-03 11:42

Fashion Guru
She is stunning and amazing!
Like you said, it seems great minds think alike :p
Honestly, only 2 pieces are the same, so there is absolutely no problem here. She looks very different and the theme is not the same!
The mix is very nice and fit to the wings. And this armor just screams Asgard to me :p
I love the gloves and the boots; the fur adds a nice touch. And perfect screens as usual :)
2016-03-03 15:48

Elessar Taralom
I am so so so glad you don´t see an issue here! I was so scared you would feel this is a rip off T ^ T
Thanks so much for that comment!
2016-03-03 16:09 in reply to Acethyle

This looks Absolutely stunning! : D
2016-03-03 20:13

I swear, you and these wings, I love it tew much. ;-;
2016-03-03 21:11

awesome, she looks gorgeous :) love those dyes!
2016-03-06 6:44

Fashion Guru
Woah. Absolute perfection - dyes, screens, weapons... gorgeous. Easy gold! :)
2016-03-07 9:02

I love Norse Myths and you just NAILED IT
2016-03-23 12:43

Great colors and armors. A very well put together theme.
2016-04-27 14:54

Great colors and armors. A very well put together theme.
2016-04-27 14:54