Ulfric, Norn Dragonhunter

By Give_that_Wookie_a_Cookie on February 29th, 2016
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Multi
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Went for a well protected armor combination that suits a guardian Norn, but doesn't look too bulky on the shoulder. Hope you like and would welcome any feedback in the comments.


Since nobody has commented yet, I'll try... but everyone kind of flamed at me for being too harsh (this crowd generally gets pretty pissed at people who write detailed reviews, tbh!), so I have to tread lightly.
You did pretty dang well for your first look (and for a norn guy!), and I LOVE your interesting dye mix, but the Ornate Guild pants don't mesh with the Glorious top so well (though it is nice that their patterns are similar). Also, the male Guardian archetype by default has gigantic pauldrons and bulky everything (just look at Logan!); if you channel that and use a bulkier chestplate at least, it will probably go with the pants much better. Otherwise, simply switch out the pants and possibly the boots for something on the lighter side.
Lastly, consider taking more screenshots in a wide variety of places.
I look forward to seeing version 2.0! Until then, you have a silver from me.
(Fyi, at least to me, this is an honest but favorable review that hopefully won't make anyone angry. If you're offended, let me know what exactly ticked you off, and I'll certainly avoid doing that in the future.)
2016-02-29 22:35

Fashion Guru
Kestrel has a point, the legs feel like the weaker piece here. It's as if you have two separate styles here: smooth, rounded armor for the shoulders, chest and gloves, and sharp, intricate pieces for the legs and boots. They don't mesh all that well, unfortunately.

The solution could either be to swap out the legs/boots for something that closer fits the smooth upper pieces, or to swap out the shoulders and gloves for something that has sharp edges/points like the lower pieces. The chestpiece could work for either option, I feel.

The dyes, though, are nice. It feels natural and practical, I see no reason to change them. All in all, good start.
2016-02-29 22:52

I strongly disagree with the chest and leg-piece not going well together! I think they look absolutely perfect together!
I agree with Tetrama though, the leg-piece kinda sticks out since you have no sharp ornaments anywhere else.
Since you said you dont want bulky shoulders, i suggest you search for other Gloves. The shoulders look nice anyway!
I could imagine t3 cultural armour would mix in perfectly with the legs! Maybe you could use some of that?
Also a helmet might come in handy, since you went for a full protection style.
Colour-scheme is great, subtle and natural!
2016-02-29 23:17

Elessar Taralom
I really like the chest and leg piece together here! It´s a combination you don´t see too often and the legs are nice and slim, not like basically every other Norn skin
Love the dye scheme, it is very natural!
You could upload some more screens for a rounder presentation ^^ But overall this is definitely one of the better male Norns I saw here!
And don´t mind people leaving half their life story here with their comment, they just want everyone to know
2016-03-01 4:03

Fashion Guru
Do you ever stop? Aren´t their guidelines or something against this kind of annoying behaviour? Leave your issues with yourself elsewhere and not under other people´s looks
And by the way, "this crowd" basically only had a problem with your whining and two-faced nature, not constructive criticism ^^

I like this look! Dyes are great and the combination isn´t bulky and gigantic like usual Norn armour; I´m looking forward to see more from you, gold!
2016-03-01 4:25 in reply to KestrelGirl

Fashion Guru
Thunderstruck has a point here. This is not a platform where you have to inform every single person about your private issues or your problems with some people over here. The comment section is only about his look and not your life. Don't be egocentric.

But now to the look!
I don't really see what KestrelGirl and Tetrama see because the chest- and the legpiece are looking very awesome together!
I actually like the shoulders it's hard to get something non- bulky on a male Norn since everything has to be gigantic on them but you created a very nice look that doesn't look too "heavy" and I really like that.
I would also maybe go for some other gloves but other than that I like the overall look and the dyes on him. Though I would also love to see some more screens, the more the better!!
2016-03-01 5:18 in reply to KestrelGirl

Thanks for all the feedback. Some really good points for me to pick up on here. I can see that the legs and boots don't mesh quite perfectly with the top, so ill do some experimenting to find the right balance. I find outfitting my male Norn the most challenging so its great to get some other opinions from the community.

Ill try and get some more screenshots uploaded in time to give a better overall presentation of the character
2016-03-01 6:30

i really enjoy this look as i find it really hard to find a satisfying armor mix for male norn. i think the top and the pants look really nice together! :) also you chose very nice and subtle dyes. i love how you have gone with less bulky shoulders, most of heavy shoulders look way too big on male norn unfortunately :( anyway, you chose just the right ones and the gauntles fit really well with them imo! you did a really nice job, the only thing i would add here is a helmet, but it's not necessary. so you get a gold :)
2016-03-01 10:38

Fashion Guru
I love the mix! The chest/leg piece combo is perfect! And with those dyes it looks super cool.
The shoulders go perfectly with the chest. But I'm not so sure about the gloves.
2016-03-01 14:15

Shadows Await
Simple yet beautiful!
2016-03-02 12:05

Fashion Collector
I have to disagree with the notion that the chest and legs don't mesh. I think they suit each other beautifully.

The angular swoops of the leggings in the very front match the angular swoops etched on the abdominal portion of the chest armor. You end up with one pointing down, the other up. There are curves on the leggings to match the curves of the chestplate, and angular lines near the collarbone to pair it with the sharper edges on the leggings.

What's more, the boots really fuse the two into look more cohesive, as it provides a marriage of rounded (knees, shins) and angular (ornamentation, heels, ankles). Shoulders are usually bulky on a Norn, so choosing ones that are so flush against him was a great call. The shoulders and gloves work with the rest of the set by being ornate enough to match it, and simple enough to not distract from it.

Really, your armor choices were spot on. Don't change a thing.

The colors are also fantastic for a practical appearance. I feel the steel somewhat blends with the brown in the fabric, making the silver the only part to stand out. While that's not necessarily problematic, it does run the risk of looking washed out--then again, that's practical armor.

Can I just say you did a great job matching tint between sets? Shadow Orange to match the Midnight Red was well done.

Really, the set is solid, the only thing that's even remotely weak is the set of screenshots, and that's a matter of practice.
2016-03-05 0:11

Thanks Yemeijin for the positive response. I couldn't find a dye to complete the set and then just stumbled across shadow orange which suited perfectly.

Any tips for taking better screenshots?
2016-03-05 7:28 in reply to Yumeijin

Fashion Collector
I'm hardly anyone to be giving tips on that, it's something I'm working on as well, but it depends on the kind of shot you're going for.

Setting and lighting are always important, as is the angle of the shot. You want to compliment the appearance without drawing away from it. A shot that's too busy (too many things present) or too simple (nothing present) can be equally detrimental.

For the camera, you don't always have to have the character in the center, and sometimes it helps draw the eye if they're not. You can tweak camera settings to help with this.

Action shots are the toughest, as you've got to consider all the above *and* take half a dozen screenshots to hope you get just the right pose as well.

http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=10409 I think is a fantastic example of how to use very little in the background to add a subtle enhancement.

http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=10289 Does a good job of highlighting what I mean by sometimes offsetting the camera a little left or right. They also manage to use a busy background in a way that doesn't detract from their look.

http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=10266 Doesn't have the best lighting, but also does a great job of making what's in the background work for them.

http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=10728 and http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=10719 do a great job at making the scenery frame their character and add to the mood and theme they're going for.

Sorry I couldn't give anything more concrete, but like I said, I'm still learning myself.
2016-03-05 13:15 in reply to Give_that_Wookie_a_Cookie