[Color Clash] The Shaman Druid

By Acethyle on December 10th, 2015
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Multi
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Hi everyone ^^
This is my entry for the color clash contest in the medium category with the predatory armor. I love this set so I had to make a look :)
I went for a shaman look, protector of the nature's spririts.
To enter the contest you must at least wear the chest, leggings, and boots so as I love to mix I decided to change the headpiece, the shoulders and the gloves.
To match the druid staff I chose of course the druid shoulders and the nightmare court gloves because they look like wood.
For the headpiece I went for the subterfuge hood that matches the colors of the armor very well and gives the look a more mysterious feeling.
And finally for the backpiece I chose Light of Dwayna. In this shaman look I think it looks like a magical totem used for shamanic rituals..^^
For the dyes I tried to match the backpiece too.
Hope you like it! :)


Fashion Guru
Omg the screenshots are as always awesome! The first screenshot it stunning with the wulf in the background O.O
The druid shoulders look really great with the armor and the staff. Even wings of dwayna suit the look. Great!
You get.... as always.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times max sliders. :)
2015-12-10 10:22

This is perfection!!!!!!!
The screens with the wolf-spirit in the background are amazing! Tho ALL screens are super well done :D
The colours go so wel with the backpiece and the idea of it being a totem is genius!!!
It will be hard to contest this in the colour clash ^^
And ... do you know what you get for perfection? GOOOOLD!
2015-12-10 11:09

Fashion Guru
Thank you so much you two ! *heart*
2015-12-10 12:36

Fashion Guru
gold medals rain down for you, i just say that XD
perfect!! beautiful job as always ^,^
2015-12-10 19:08

Brilliant! (Please let me know what you think of mine!)
2015-12-10 22:04

awesome armor for necromancer
2015-12-11 13:30

Fashion Guru
Thanks guys !
2015-12-12 21:24

Fashion Guru
Ty Bremy ! *heart*
2015-12-12 21:25 in reply to Bremy

It looks gorgeous
2016-01-03 17:41

Love the colors and the combi with the druid shoulders, didn't think anyone could make them look good but you just did! Gold :)
2016-01-05 7:56

Fashion Collector
Tes nouveaux screens sont cools ! Ici et sur tes autres looks (le choix du screen de couv'), en revanche comme tu le sais j'aime particulièrement ce look mais là je dois dire que je suis partagé pour les ailes de faucon... dans l'idée je vois pas où tu veux en venir en les combinant avec ce look (par contre on a l'impression que tu as un vrai bird sur l'épaule ça fait son effet ^^, j'approuve le décor aussi)
2016-05-23 4:52

Furious Paws
Amazing, I love the originality and creativity of this look :D
2017-08-18 10:48

Amazing! Those things I thought would be boring can be used so brilliant !
2017-11-23 12:34