The Elemental Scholar

By Alastor Crow on July 27th, 2015
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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At the tender age of 2, Astarot Greyhame showed potential as bright progeny in both intellect and combat. He grew up reading tales of heroism, conquest, and tragedies which inspired him to start his own adventure after graduating from the College of Statistics a decade later. His quest has brought him to the great library halls of the Durmand Priory to the depths of the war-torn lands of the Mists. He often travels with his canine companion and shows great affection for all animals.


Fashion Guru
Very cool look! I love it! Great use of the glasses and the scarf, fitting well the rest of the armor. Gold!
2015-07-27 15:45

Fashion Guru
great armor, and i love the hair.
He is so cute :D
2015-07-28 2:24

Fashion Guru
he is so sweet. i love it.
2015-07-28 4:52

OMG i loooove him! he looks so cute, i like everything about him!
2015-07-31 7:04