Silverwastes Trapper

By kurinn on June 10th, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Multi
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I'm going for a basic yet functional look for this trapper ranger.
The trench coat for it utility pouches. The hobosack coz it got bundles that look like the thrown ranger's traps, and of coz for the shovel, as I use this build to roam Silverwastes for it fortunes.
Chosen the asymmetrical shoulder-gloves to provide ease while she throw her traps bundle and a more protective armor for her left arm.
All weapons are basic skins, to match the thrown animation, as she throw all 3 weapons, the axe/torch/dagger.. :/


Fashion Guru
this is a very original style.
and i like you use normal weapons. they fit the look great.
gold from me :)
2015-06-10 3:06

Fashion Guru
Very nice look, gold:)
2015-06-10 5:59

Fashion Guru
Very nice look, it all goes well together. Fits your theme too. Great pictures :D
2015-06-10 7:23

First Style Supporter
I like the use of basic weapons, you pulled it off superbly!
2015-06-10 8:58

Fashion Collector
thx guys!
2015-06-12 8:10

nice colours! and good concept :)
2015-07-14 13:33

Amelia Syleste
Fashion Collector
I really love this look. It's obvious you had a concept and designed your character around that concept. Great job!
2015-08-28 20:50