...with RAVEN Eyes (A Shaman's Burden)

By ieva on November 11th, 2021
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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Havrouns are uncommon and powerful norn shamans. Their duty is to tend to the needs of the Spirits of the Wild, in this world and the next. Havrouns are intimately connected with the Spirit that they serve, and there is only one havroun per Spirit of the Wild. And Havrouns are the only shamans powerful enough to spirit walk. This ability allows the havroun to cross over into the Mists without the need of a portal or a ritual, by leaving their bodies behind. They may also create portals that will allow them to cross over in body, as well as take allies with them.
When a havroun feels that they have grown old or weary, they usually begin to teach an apprentice that will take over their role as they prepare for their final crossing into the Mists. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Unlike humans, whose priests are revered for their dedication to one god, all norn feel equally guided and befriended by the spirits. Some norn don't follow a particular path, preferring instead to revere all the Spirits of the Wild, following each whenever its lessons are relevant in their day-to-day lives. Those who choose to become shamans devote themselves to a Spirit's sacred area: a shrine, lodge, or hunting ground dedicated to their patron Spirit of the Wild. They serve their people as guardians and teachers, protecting their territory and instructing others in the lessons of the spirit they revere.

I was on a solo hunt when I was young and foolish, and soon lost my way. I found myself in a place I had never been, in the middle of a snowstorm. I would have died. But Raven flew overhead and led me home. I then visited a raven shrine, Raven Shaman Sigrytha asked me: "Raven informed me you were coming. Have you come to see what the eye cannot? Have you come to discover what is hidden by shadow? Sit, listen. Hear what Raven has to say. "She told me many stories, taught me many wisdoms. And when I passed the raven riddle test, she gave me a sceptre. A sceptre made of glass, infused with raven essence...

"Raven Eye!" a voice called from the mountainside above. With a start, she reached for her weapon, a Scepter Raven's Eye. Had someone come before her? In anger, the warrior straightened and peered up into the crags. She did not have to wait long to see her someone.. "Who are you?" she asked cautiously, fingering the the ring of her scepter. "Ah, at last!" - That was voice of Havroun Weibe, the Havroun of Raven,- "You're one of his chosen. Surely you know that by now. You know yourself. Now, it's time for you to know Raven. Your apprenticeship begins immediately. First, entrust your most cherished possession to Raven. Later, you will learn to trust him with your life as well."

This is my Story (*inspired by Scepters Raven's Eye)
The ravens issue has been on my mind for a long time. And I have already done a few looks for different professions on the theme. Today I present another one, inspired by Scepter Raven's Eye. It is so gradual from raven chick to adult raven. From Wayfarer Foothills to Bjora Marches. From simple Norn girl to Havroun's apprentice. A Shaman's Burden.
Armour colour is mostly black, some parts I shaded with blue. The legendary boots have a few flashing points, the gloves have light blue finger tips. Only the beak is highlighted with orange - that's practically the only contrasting colour. The rest are a few accents for sceptre colours to balance things out - a torch that shrouds the other hand like a haze and Nevermore with all its effects.

Now...what do you think about Raven Look? And as a Havrouns of Raven would say: May Raven peck out their dead eyes!
============== Apparently the page still doesn't work properly, can't use colors / armor parts tool at the moment========================
Armor Dyes: https://i.imgur.com/Yz37sFB.jpg
Armor in white: https://imgur.com/a/pvDlPYi
Weapon: Nevermore & Raven's Eye + Touch of Fog


VERY nice, especially your write-up and use of Raven's Eye.
2021-11-12 19:33

glad you like it :)
2021-11-12 20:06 in reply to ILikeStuff

Fashion Guru
I love it.
2021-11-13 13:29

Don't let people like @Saulot, who write nice comments and give 0 medals, spoil your mood. This is a great look for Norn, fits the beautiful sceptre for which you have still thought up a story
2021-11-13 21:58

Damn, this must be one of my favorite looks ever on this site. I don't know about originality, but it's a fact that all the pieces come together very, very nicely.
I gave 4/5 for the dyes, mainly because I think you could use various shades of black to give it a more "shaman-esque" instead of all-black chest and pants, but that's just a personal taste :)
Anyways, awesome job you did here!
2021-11-14 9:15

All of the parts seem to blend together and are hard to really appreciate with the very limited pallete, but on the other hand you had your goal concept and excuted it very well :)
2021-11-15 14:10

thanks for kind feedback :)
2021-11-16 14:30