Otherworldly Fungus (the simply BIOLUMINESCENT)

By ieva on July 5th, 2019
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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Suddenly she discovered a matt glow in the semi-darkness. Fog-grey mushrooms sprouted from the forest floor and formed a dense, even circle. The appearance had a diameter of several steps and glowed in a cheerful light.
A witch ring! So this phenomenon was called in the vernacular. There was a good reason for the circular growth of the mushrooms, as well as for the mysterious glow. Bioluminescence, she thought, shining mushrooms. I have already read an old handwriting about it. But a shiver crept over her back...
She tightened the reins and drove the bird. But the good-natured hummingbird refused and didn't want to fly any further. When she energetically propelled him forward, he climbed up vertically and made a sentence forward and touched the witch ring with a flap of his wing.
Something strange happened.
She felt she was being thrown into the air, but it wasn't a violent event, it was a gentle glide. She floated like on the edge of a dream. Light sparks glowed and slowly buzzed past her. Light as a feather, she slipped to the ground.
When she opened her eyes, it was dark and windless.
She blinked in surprise. Was she mistaken or did a shimmer run over her skin like pale rainbow?
Panic rose inside her. What is happening to me, she asked herself. This was not a delusion nor a daydream, she was really on the ??? (the mysterious area in Jahai Bluffs). But why had her environment changed so much? Had she really experienced a leap in time? That is crazy, she thought. Completely crazy. That simply can't be...

...To break this bioluminescence curse, I have to pick leaves from purple trees and crush them together with shiny silver herb leaves. Then mix this vegetable powder with pure spring water and vampire bat blood. Then high above the treetops it has to rise in the air, and when the sky turns lilac blue and spits Volatile Magic balls, say a spell and drink the Rainbow Cocktail.

This is my Story (*inspired by Hallucination, a effect applied to the player when entering the green haze surrounding the mushrooms within ??? in the Jahai Bluffs).
The new Bioluminescent weapon skins are like created for a sylvari: glowing bullets trapped in dry branches. For this I chose two armor parts (chest & shoes), which are equipped with thorns. In addition, beside typical witch attribute - Witch's Hat, light feathery leg dress. Lightning-Blessed Zephyrite Gloves makes for a little mica, and Wild Magic Backpack Glider Combo fits perfectly to the weapons concept. As for colors, pastel coloring used matches the back item and weapons that radiate blue-green light in combat.
I hope you can smile about my hallucinating/bioluminescent Sylvari :)
Weapons: Bioluminescent Staff + Bioluminescent Scepter & Bioluminescent Torch
Back Item: Wild Magic Backpack Glider Combo


Everything looks so good together, even the glider skin and the weapons. Beautiful screenshots. Very good job here. Gold!
2019-07-05 21:55

Forgot to mention, that screenshot on the skimmer is gorgeus!
2019-07-05 21:58

The hummingbird hardly stays still and in addition flutters so extremely with wings, it is really hard to make screens. Thank you for your praise :)
2019-07-06 6:06 in reply to Aaron

Wow, this is really good. Mad props for having a bioluminescent look without the bioluminescent armor skins.
Everything in this goes so well together - the dyes are beautifully done, you have two tones of blue and one neutral to balance the all luminous thing going on. Also, the skins - so original, really, they go so well together and fit the theme amazingly - it reminds me of a Bog Witch. I do not mention the screenshots, because they're consistently good on everyone of your looks. Everything's so well done here, you deserve a GOLD, as always.
2019-07-06 20:27

I'm glad you like my little witch. Many thanks for compliments and gold :)
2019-07-07 11:29 in reply to sevencat

So... wrong mushrooms eaten ;) Very pretty witch!
2019-07-07 15:07

2019-07-08 5:39 in reply to Frans

This is such a great theme, you have done a wonderful job.
2019-07-08 9:03

Instant gold, the look is so pretty.
2019-07-08 9:45

Many thanks for compliments!
2019-07-08 19:17

Hadi The Edgemaster
you have the best creativity
2019-07-10 22:10

Thank you!
2019-07-11 5:43 in reply to Hadi The Edgemaster