Havroun of Sheep

By NanaItalia on July 13th, 2017
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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This time the story is written by Rakandor.6072, who already helped me write the last one. I told him my general idea for the story and I just love, what he made of it :)

I am the Sheperd. Have you seen my Sheep?

Some People tell of a strange Figure appearing in the Mists, always asking the same Question. Regarded as myth by most, there are those blessed with the Truth. What they will tell you, is a Story of Faith, of Loss, of the first and last Havroun of Sheep.
Once upon a Time, as the Norn struggled and looked for any hope, they found The Spirits of the Wild. Standing before the Norn were the very Animals which they saw in the wilderness every day, from the small Rabbit looking to feed its Family, to the mighty Bear waiting to crush it's enemys between his Paws. in uncounteable Numbers they stood and brought the Guidance the Norn needed, making them the sturdy People they are known as today. But not all was well. Regarded as not fit for Norn-Society, many Spirits were soon cast out from most Norn as they were regarded weak, stupid, useless. The One to take them in was Sheep, looking out for its Brothers and Sisters. Together Sheep and its Havroun cared for those lost and abandoned, whether spiritual or flesh, knowing what it was like from before the meeting of Spirits and Norn.
Despite the good they did, there are those who can not see others live in peace. After losing many of their adopted Family to ambushs an assaults, the attackers decided to end it once and for all. Sheep and his trusted Havroun stood against the Attackers and managed to defeat a sheer endless stream of defeat, but in the end even Sheep fell. Unleashing a cry which contained all her sadness and desperation upon seeing this unthinkful act, the Havroun vanished, seemingly lost from this World. Since then she wanders the Mists, looking for Sheep and her lost companions, flashing in and out of different Worlds and Times, always asking, always looking.

I am the Sheperd. Have you seen my Sheep?


Hey guys :)
Here is another Norn look. Katushkas awesome recent upload inspired me to give my norn ele a new look. I tried to make something shaman-like with some classic norn elements and give it a little edge. Also, lately I tend to use light colors a lot so all my looks seem a bit icy, even if they're not intended to be xD It's kinda funny, since I really struggled with light colors in the past.
I feel like I might have overdone it a bit with the screen shots this time. They are very flashy and in unsual lighting, but I wanted to capture the mystical feeling of the Mists.

Well, as always, hope you like her. Let me know what you think.

Edit: The Spectral weapons seem not to be in the database anymore. So Staff, Dagger and Focus are all Spectral weapons.


Fashion Guru
I love it! Great as always, and this pants/chest combination, perfect look! Gold, gold, gold!
2017-07-14 1:08

Fashion Collector
I love close-up screens. It is almost blinding! (in a good way) How is it so bright?!

btw gold!
2017-07-14 2:40

Fashion Guru
2017-07-14 5:38

Wow, Gold! And its something difficult with light/norn combination.
2017-07-14 6:32

Fashion Guru
It looks awesome. I love how the dyes look on character select and at those two pictures taken at waterfall. There they really look like how I imagine "the Mists" :)
Armor mix is looking great, I think it's very original shaman style.
The spectrall staff is just perfect fit.
And super amazing job on screens. You've always had great quality, but this time it's even higher level.
2017-07-14 7:06

Fashion Guru
Oh and I forgot to say that the story made me sad. Tell your friend that it's very well written.
Is there any reason why are some words with capital letters? Like some hidden code? :)
2017-07-14 7:09

Elessar Taralom
Simply amazing look from you as always
It is definitely recognisable as one of your looks with the really nice pastel dye schemes you are nailing lately!
The mask just adds so much to the whole look
And these screens are AMAZING, I think the best ones you delivered yet, absolutely love this!
Gold ofc
2017-07-14 7:39

In some of the screens she looks like the character from Horizon Zero Dawn :D A nice mix of armor, the pieces complement each other well. I especially love the chestpiece and the pants having similar patterns with how you dyed em, it looks almost like a full set. Great look =D
2017-07-14 11:00

The lighting in your screens is very cool! Gj on finding those locations.
I like the idea of the Howler being used as a contrast to the sheep theme. There are many different scenarios i can imagine it beind used in this context :D
Great upload! Sure Gold :)
2017-07-14 14:49

Star-Spangled Skies
Fantastic screens and story.
2017-07-15 2:55

holy moly.. WTF this looks so awesome!!
the screens are DA BOMB
love everything. take ma gold.
2017-07-15 16:27

Thank you so much horsie :)
2017-07-15 16:46 in reply to horsie

Thanks dellyz :)
The most screens are taken in a very high area in Bitterfrost Frontier. The sky there is already very bright and some extra brightnes comes fom some attack animations from the elementalis in air and water attunement^^
2017-07-15 16:48 in reply to dellyz

Thanks for the gold Exitus :)
2017-07-15 16:48 in reply to Exitus_Letalis

Thank you Jestersan :)
2017-07-15 16:49 in reply to Jestersan

Thank you Katushka :)
Thanks to your fantastic norn upload recently I was motivated to give my ele this new look ;D
I'll told my friend, that you like his story. The capital letter at the beginning of the words... well, it's a german habit. We write all nouns with capital letter at the beginning^^
2017-07-15 16:52 in reply to Katushka

I'm always so happy, when you like my looks :) Thanks Elessar^^
2017-07-15 16:54 in reply to Elessar Taralom

Thank you frederickx :)
I would so have liked to make a Horizon themed look, but I couldn't really find a fitting combination for it^^'
2017-07-15 16:56 in reply to frederickx

Thanks Hylek :)
The location was kind of a coincidence xD I asked in my guild if someone would help me use a teleport to Bitterfrost Frontier. My guildmate just happend to stand in this special cherry tree place and I instantly fell in love with the lighting^^
2017-07-15 16:59 in reply to Hylek

Thanks Star-Spangled Skies (your name is pretty long xD). Glad you like it :)
2017-07-15 17:00 in reply to Star-Spangled Skies

Thank you very much Chro :)
I was a bit worried about the screens at first, since I usually try to keep it simple. So I'm very happy everbody seems to like them^^
2017-07-15 17:02 in reply to Chro

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
I think I missed out after all :X well better late that nothing.
I've seen it ingame recently and It was perfect.
Your main screenshot is just pure magic....
My favorite screenshot is where u hold the focus, that one is crazy!
Awesome mix, great weapons, great dyes
2017-07-17 21:33

woah ! gold from me :)
Very original armor mix ! Well done.
2017-07-18 14:01

Fashion Guru
Your screenshots are rly stunning and I love how you used the headgear it fits the theme suprisingly well :o

the only thing I would never do I combine that chestpiece to a lowwaist bottom since you have (sadly) that ugly cut from the body pointing.. I know its not ur fault its just that I hate stuff like that and this is why I never used that 2 pieces together ^^

over all the look is rly cool there is no questin bout that :)
2017-07-29 7:44

Fashion Guru
Wow, really interesting spirit shaman look! I love the mask and the way her hair matches the wool/fur in her outfit. The spectral weapons are also a very nice combination. Easy Gold :)
2017-08-15 6:57