Sprout of Mordremoth

By katunix on August 29th, 2016
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Gold
Vote Breakdown
16 5
1 0
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"The jungle was our master; He speaks ill of the unfortunate souls that walk upon Him; unworthy of our cause and our virtues. Some have heard Him, they fret and run, but others accept with open arms. His voice bellowed during my wake, feeding my roots with essences so pure, it pulses through these veins like a bitter cold fire. What I can remember last, was their eyes, meeting mine, and the life fading from their gaze. I could never forget that. But you, my sweet, ripe pumpkin, you show no fear. No amount of wolves, dragons, or nightmares can prepare you for what I have in store for you." - Seibhin

This is my current look on my ele. I love enameled colors to bits; and it just so happens that there was enough of em that matched the mordrem weapon skins.

I'm using the carapace pants and gloves, sylvari t4 cultural light coat, the wanderer's mask, and the zodiac light boots. Enameled colors used are: Perseverance, Legacy, and Generation; and for the darker color I used Shadow Turquoise.

I like the effects given by the flower back pieces, looks like my sylvari grew it. As far as armor pieces go, I wasn't a huge fan of having full carapace because I felt that the boots and the top didn't seem to mesh well on sylvari. Pretty happy with how it turned out though, I like to think that she's slowly acclimatising and putting on metal armor so she can take on harder foes.


Fashion Guru
For your first upload, this is amazing!
I'm slightly conflicted when it comes to the backpiece and boots.
we don't get much information from your description as i could have wished for.
but these are only some minor "issues" (not even sure you can call it that).
Dyes and screenshots are extreamly well done imo :D
have a gold! ^^
2016-08-29 19:04

Really nice colour combo you got there. You've really nailed the screenies, amazing job! I personally wouldn't have gone with the backpiece, since it doesn't fit with the rest of it. There might also be better gloves to go with the theme, but they're not bad. 8/10 :)
2016-08-29 20:12

Oh, this is so pretty! Did you get your inspiration from this, by chance? http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=11160 Your look is like a corrupted version of that!
2016-08-29 20:32

She looks pretty :)
The dyes are more vibrant on leggins, gloves and shoes, than they are in chest and shoulders, also there is metal in the armor from waist downwards, but not upwards. These things make the armor look a bit disconnected imo.
However, overall the look is pretty cool and screens and presentation are nicely done. Good job for your first upload :)
2016-08-30 4:21

Elessar Taralom
Really good first upload!
I simply love your dye scheme, it´s extremely original and the armour mix looks pretty
Your screens look amazing for a first upload, you gave a nice description and your weapons are on spot, solid gold for me ^^
2016-08-30 5:23

I love the colours you chose, they go very well with the mordrem staff!
Your screenshots are very pretty!!! Nice locations and many different poses.
Amazing first upload! Keep it up like that :D
2016-08-30 8:15

Bianca Zauberkind
Really nice armor comb and dyes! and your chose of weapons just fit perfectly to the rest of your look :)
and i love the ley stone shoulders, since they look amazing with the mordrem weapons
so, gold from me
2016-08-30 8:15

Fashion Guru
I see you added more to the description :)
My vote is updated, though it's still a gold :P
2016-08-30 9:13

Fashion Guru
amazing first upload, love the dyes
2016-08-30 9:17

Fashion Guru
I really love your dye job on this look, the colours are so beautiful and amazing especially on the Carapace bottom piece. In combo with her skin tone and hair colour it really looks great!
Your armour mix is very pretty, as well and I like that you used the scar it gives her an interesting vibe.
Description, weaponchoice and screens are also well done and overall this is a great first upload and I would love to see some more of you!
Gold for you :3
2016-08-30 10:13