Lancelot - A Joust for Honour

By Elessar Taralom on June 1st, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Silver
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The sound of steel meeting and the smell of blood and sweat is what Isri grew up with. Always hiding between the men and acting just like one of them, this tough fighter always wanted to do what real knight´s do: jousting and fighting and honourable tournaments, receiving honour and glory and maybe the hand of a fair maiden.
It´s not always easy to be recognized as a noble knight though if you are a woman. That´s why Isri mostly covers up with the help of her armour. A very devoted and skilled fighter, Isri´s expertise stems mostly from hard work and intense training.
She would spend hours over hours in all the villages of Queen´s Dale to pick up all the little tricks and moves the seasoned soldiers there could teach her. Often she stayed awake until the fading light forced her to, determined to become a skilled fighter. Though she was offered a post in the royal guard, she refused to follow tournaments around the land and joust.
Maybe when she broke a lance or two she is ready to take a position among the other noble soldiers - but for now she wants to break some hearts!

Hey guys,
Elessar here and ready to present a kinda simple look! While the Cavalier Weapons weren´t the most popular Black Lion set yet, I actually really enjoyed it, particularly the greatsword as it kinda looked like a lance to me.
Revolving around this idea I created a classic knight look: I wanted her to look like the chivalry image of a jousting knight.
I loved how the top and leg piece looked like something from the same set, so this was my starting point and for the rest I tried to balance functional/realistic with a hint of glamour, because hey, the fair maidens have to notice you somehow!
Screenwise I tried to manipulate the poses in a way that makes the greatsword look more like a lance, so most of the poses you see with the greatsword are actually animations of other weapons.
I know this look isn´t too much out of the box armour and dyewise, but I wanted to create something lore friendly and traditional for once as well!
Hopefully this knight could win your heart ^^


Fashion Guru
There she finally is!
I am digging this look soo much it's truely a wonderful thing you created!
The armour combo is just spot on, this chestpiece goes soo well with the bottom half it's simply amazing. I love the choices here from head to toe. I think the most awesome thing I've noticed from some screens is the illusion of the breastplate that sometimes creates a more flat chest which goes perfectly with the story you made up for her.
The GS was such a smart choice here the other weapons are of course very fitting, as well. It's like the new weaponskins were truely made for her :D
I love your dyescheme, very knight- like, natural and yet shiny (in a very good way)!
You again provided us with some outstanding screens I enjoyed every single one of them and you did an awesome job getting some nice images where the sword looks like a lance. I love that you took some screens without the helmet, too! The short hairstyle fits so perfectly for someone who tries to disguise herself as a man.
I think there is truely nothing I could dislike here everything is just so beautiful and perfect that I have to throw every gold at you!!
2016-06-01 14:16

Fashion Guru
love it! I feel like a realistic look like this was still missing in your port folio
excellent as always, gold
2016-06-01 14:37

Fashion Guru
This is probably one of the first heavy female human looks Ive been able to enjoy. Im all about Norns mostly but shes a real treat! The dyes you chose are such subtle but effective combination. All of your screens are amazing. I love the way the lighting in them brings out her armor and she kind of shimmers. All of your weapons are great choices and overall this is one of my favorites from you ... SOLID GOLD
2016-06-01 14:57

I really love how you made meta-skins look fashionable again! The human t3 is usually used quite uninspired, but you used it very well!
The screens where you hold that GS like a real lance look amazing!
Surely another Gold that you cna add to your collection ;D
2016-06-01 15:41

Fashion Guru
Great mix, great dyes, gold!
2016-06-01 22:02

Fashion Collector
It might be a bit of an obvious combo with the chest/bottom but it looks soo great on your character. Especially with the dyes. The other armor pieces blend in very well :) This is for sure a gold from me. You pulled off the jousting look so well, esp with that sword!. Would've loved seeing a jousting shield in her other hand if only the lance wasnt 2-handed :c a little bit of color would've looked really nice too for this armor. thats just personal preference and my ideal image of a jouster xD Screenshots are flawless *-* I'm so inspired to make a knight look for my warrior now !
2016-06-02 8:18

Fashion Guru
Beautiful and unique. One of my fav ! :-)
It's such a cool look to match the weapons! It's so well done. I really love the armor, and especially the chest/legs combo (really looks like those pieces are from the same set !).
The helmet is perfect for this look stylewise, and also because I love the fact that usually characters look bold when they wear helmets, but here it doesn't look like it and it's perfect because she actually have short hairs !
Dyes, weapons and screens are very cool and spot on, and very nice story as usual !
Gooold ! ^^
2016-06-02 9:41

2016-06-02 16:49

Oh gosh. She is looking so noble and dignified, like from code of chivalry ^^
Also your screens are on spot!
You gave a new life for knight-like looks (honestly this theme was a bit obvious and popular, but you did something unique and amazing) :)
2016-06-03 7:43

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
very cool concept elessar i love it.
2016-06-03 12:41

really cool use of guild chest there fits perfect. great warrior look! gold
2016-07-06 7:12

Epic! Love the GS as a lance, nice usage =)
2017-01-19 19:11

I love it! nice
2017-02-13 5:18

2017-04-25 17:37

nice look mate, those pieces fit like they are one set!!!
2017-05-15 10:32

Just another common look, no idea why its top3..
2017-05-30 20:33

Elessar Taralom
Like you would know about good looks, lol
2017-05-30 21:24 in reply to Harashiken