[Steampunk] The Mad Scientist

By Acethyle on May 13th, 2016
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Brown
Vote Breakdown
48 2
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Always been passionate about chemistry, and spending her whole time experimenting with concoctions and other potions, this lady has over time withdrawn on herself. Slowly going mad, she finally rejected society. Today everyone nicknames her as the mad scientist. Spending most of her time in her lab, the only moments she is seen outside are when she terrorizes passers screaming at their face.

An unparalleled hatred inhabits her. No one has ever caused her harm, but it doesn't prevent her to blame the whole world. She believes everyone has to die in agony and feels great satisfaction to see people suffering and knowing they can't escape death. Suffering from a great loneliness since a long time, and never really knew happiness, she decided that no one deserved to be happy as long as she would be miserable. Although she hates people, she is unable to kill them by her own hands. That's why she found parades to kill them indirectly and clear herself of any responsibility for their death. At least that's how she tries to convince herself she is not responsible for it. She believes all means are good as long as the outcome is death. Even a slow but certain one.

Her favorite hobbies include:
- Terrorize people in the streets shouting at them, hoping to make them deaf, paranoid ,fearful or worse.
- Sabotage machinery and aircraft in order to make them crash during takeoff, hoping they would transport as many people as possible.
- Create new deadly potions and poisons and offer them to naive thirsty people.
- Spreading toxic gas in the air thanks to her mobile workshop she carries on her back.
- Electrocute people with her electric stick and say " I didn't do it ! It was my stick ! "
- And many others...

So if one day you're unlucky enough to cross the path of this psychopath lady... just beg the gods to save you.


Hi guys!
I decided to try my luck for the steampunk contest... So this is my first entry !
For this look I wanted to create a kind of crazy potion creator/scientist. I tried to give the armor a victorian look especially with the legs, hat and gloves. I thought the chest/legs/boots combo could work well together with all the belts on them. The backpiece was an obvious choice, because of the potions and the kind of smoke on it. And for the weapons, I tried to find stuff which could remind of mixtures' preparation (warhorn, dagger and focus) and also some technical stuff who could fit the laboratory and machinery theme (staff, scepter, greatsword).
Hope you like the look ^-^


Hahaha she looks like a Mad Hatter :D
I really like you concpet, is very unique compared to "traditional" stempunk look. Idea with weapons is great and your screens are cherry on top!
I love everything about your look, finger crossed on contest! :)
2016-05-13 16:25

Now I'm considering not even entering. :/
2016-05-13 17:08

Amazing look! o.O
The armor pieces look very precious the way you dyed them and therefore create a nice steampunk feeling!
The idea with the potions is absolutely great and i LOVE how you used the improvised weapons and the "Courage" to fit the theme!!!
Your screens are stunning as always and have amazing light and scenery!
On top of all that the story is very funny :D
Perfectly executed theme and overall look! Gold for sure!
2016-05-13 19:03

Fashion Guru
Self pity is really not helpful for anyone especially not for you. Don't curse it already if you haven't even tried it yet and also better offer a critique that is fully devoted to this look instead of spreading sadness!

But now to the look. I looove this one really much and I am so happy that you went for a more Victorian look like Elessar did because Steampunk is indeed more than just putting on some engined armour and colouring it brown.
You managed to create a very nice look and I love every single one of the armour pieces you used.
I had a little preview already when you have shown this one to Elessar (because I happend to be at her place xD) and I am so happy that you decided to take the Aetherblade- shoulders since they are a nice steamy additing and also very pretty for this look.
The Exaltet Pants were an awesome choice. Usually I am not a very big fan of those but they are fitting to the Victorian style you were going for.
I love the backpiece quite a lot it's totally fitting to your mad scientist :D
As always you did an awesome dye- job. It looks very cool and I love those red additions that are a smart choice to get a more outstanding look instead of keeping it brownish.
Your screens are amazing as always, the locations are spot on and I really like the story it's a funny one and I cracked a bit by picturing her screaming through the Improvised Warhorn and terrorising every living creature xD
A very cool and unique concept, Gold! ^^
2016-05-13 19:04 in reply to KestrelGirl

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
She freaks me out *...* the one that she screams is crazy haha. this is exceptional work. perfect dyes. great armor comb. weapon choice is great. the idea for her is just crazy! very very good job on this one acethyle. i keep saying this is one of the coolest looks u made. but u always change my mind when u make a new look lol I keep getting a new favorite. sending a legion of gold
2016-05-13 19:29

Fashion Guru
i love everything, others just said all what i would say, i just add the fact i LOVE this hat, it's so funny and cool and i would like to see more ppl use it like you did, make it so original :D amazing job!
gold again ^,^
2016-05-13 19:43

2016-05-13 21:01

Fashion Collector
This is amazing it remainds me of Scarlet and maybe this could be a good Lore for future GW
2016-05-14 4:07

Fashion Collector
Take my gold bro
2016-05-14 8:50

Fashion Guru
2016-05-14 16:13

Fashion Collector
This is too good
2016-05-14 22:32

Fashion Collector
This is awesome! Why are you so good at creating looks! Teach us! Have a goldy from me! =D
2016-05-15 5:45

Fashion Guru
So original and beautiful at the same times ! all your looks are amazing and this one is one of my favourite. I love this steampunk/victorian look, it's really gorgeous. As always the screens are awesome.
I was wondering if I would enter the competion, but I run out of transmutation and I'm sure not to win, so I hope you will win !

Have a BIIIIIG gold :D
2016-05-15 7:31

The dyes look soooooo perfect on the screens! :)
The locations you found are amazing and the screeming shots are really creepy xD
Armor and weapons are awesome of course^^
2016-05-15 12:35

Elessar Taralom
Ah, there she is, I love her!
You managed to keep the "THROW GEARS AT EVERYTHING" at a minimum and evoked a real feeling of Victorian era to me
While I usually dislike these legs you utilized them perfectly; they look like bloomers actually!
The dyes are convincingly steampunkish (although I think I liked the alternative a bit better ;) ) and I LOVE the use of this backpiece as it really adds to your story so much!
Your weaponchoice is on spot as always, you found so many little things to give your look the little something extra!
Some of the screens freak me out a little, but in a positive way and they convey her character a lot, making her feel like basically everything you described her to be
Take all the gold! ^^
2016-05-15 18:11

Amelia Syleste
Fashion Collector
I love this so much, I can't even say. I've tried so many times to incorporate those bottoms into a look, as they scream Victorian Steampunk to me, along with the top hat. Leave it to you to create the perfect ensemble.

Well done!
2016-05-20 21:46

wow I can't believe I missed seeing this! I only just saw it in the looks battle page and just had to come vote because it was so original! Gold!
2016-11-27 8:37

Ki Ka Ku
Okay this is insane, love it :P
Must be great fun to play with this Necro.
2017-08-12 4:01

baba yaga
Fashion Collector
Super idea and good execution!
2019-02-20 1:34