The Parasite in Me

By Chro on May 6th, 2016
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Blue
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I don’t remember anything of my past. Neither why I came here nor where I came from.

At least what I know is.. that this body does not belong to me alone anymore.
There was that unbelievably beautiful light, emerging from the dark. I just wanted to see, wanted to touch it..
I must have been unconscious, I don’t know for how long.
But when I came to I felt power, more power than I ever had before. More than I could possibly imagine.
And there was that urge.. to search for that something.
I don’t know what it is, but I had to find it.

I still have to, it tells me to.


Heya guys!

I’m not the best storyteller, so I hope the story is ok. I intentionally left it open to interpretation but I assume you got the idea here, that he was infested by a parasite but not fully controlled by it (he can think and act for himself but is driven by the wishes and needs of the parasite).

I was searching for a new look for my guard and finally decided to use the Chak focus as I really liked it since it came out but never had any character that would suit it. When equipped, it looks like a monstrous hand, which I thought was awesome.

A parasite theme directly came to mind and Mawdrey seemed to fit that image perfectly – a parasite that gives inhuman strength to the infested person. Parasites normally take full control of a creature or become a part of it, preying on it. Here the parasite made a failed attempt. It could not take full control of its prey but still tries to control its mind.
Now it’s up to the lost Sylvari if he becomes a shell for the parasite or if he can fight back and maybe control it to use it to his own advantage.
(By the way, he can transform his hand into that monstrous thing whenever he wishes to.)

I chose those shoulders and gauntlets in order to somehow match the ornaments of the pants. The style of the leystone shoes might not really fit the other armor pieces but I think it strangely fits into the overall image. The headwrap doesn’t serve any story purpose, I just thought that it looked nice :D

My guard has always been blue and I wanted to keep that, because the effects of the attacks are simply too overwhelmingly blue and I want his equipment to match them. So I tried to include some purplish accents to go with the focus and hopefully with Mawdrey, too.

I hope you enjoy :)


You did great job matching weapons and backpack with blue/purple. Even your screens are in the same tones :D
Whole look is very mysterious and a bit frightening for me, like it! Gold for you :)
2016-05-06 16:13

Very fitting outfit for the Dream weapons!
You nailed the colour-concept and i love all the tiny details in the armor!
The screenshots are gorgeous and capture a great mystical athmosphere! Very fitting for the mysterious story ;D
Gold from me!
2016-05-06 19:30

Fashion Guru
Really interesting look, at first I thought it was a chak look!
Do the colors fit the chak weapons maybe? They would go with your parasite theme!
I love your dyes and I think it's perfect that you have the blue skin. ;) no reason to change it!
2016-05-07 2:18

Elessar Taralom
Wow, I love such highly conceptual looks that follow such a distinct theme! The colours are truly beautiful, you matched them to your weapons so well! I simply love this dirty violet in there
The weapons are spot on and while I am not the biggest fan of the shoulders and gloves, they are by no means a reason to give anything less than gold!
Your screens and story are simply killer and I love that
2016-05-07 5:30

Fashion Guru
He's beautiful ! The theme is so great and the screens are really good, the colors are so perfect too !
The only thing I would change would be the pants, but that's my own tastes ;)
Gold :D
2016-05-07 5:38

Wow, I feel like every piece of armor and every dye are perfect!
You managed to create a seemingly organic look with just one plant-armor piece and you made even mawdrey fit in.
I just love him!
Gold! :)
2016-05-07 7:34

I like it! :D
The screenshots are very very good!
The thing I would do is MAYBE hide shoulders and/or backpiece, but it looks pretty awesome.
I love the dyes!
2016-05-07 9:23

Fashion Guru
Easily one of the best ever executed dye jobs. I love the overall basic silhouette which makes Mawdrey even more stand out as the only animate living parasite. Usually the tone on tone screens don't impress me as much (especially those with graphic enhanced overlay softwares), but yours does a fine job at highlighting the clever use of glowy dyes. Gold from me.
2016-05-07 13:50

Fashion Guru
Superb use of dyes from the toon through to the outfit, it flows beautifully!
2016-05-07 15:05

Thank you so much for your comments guys! Always a pleasure to read them :) I'm glad you like the color concept, screens and story :)
2016-05-08 14:37

First of all, thank you! :)
And yes, the colors fit the chak weapons :P
I chose the chak focus (as seen in some screens) and matched his dyes to it. I didn't want to only use chak weapons, so I also picked different weapons :) the aetherized nightmare weapons also fit well because they are blue with a bit of violet in it and i always wanted to use them so I did it :)
2016-05-08 14:45 in reply to silvertree

Thanks a lot :P
Well I created Mawdrey just for this look, because of the Parasite theme xD
I understand why you would hide the shoulders tho. I also don't like how they look in certain light and locations, but they look just fine in preview mode and character selection
2016-05-08 14:48 in reply to Migg

Fashion Collector
Hui Chro O:. Your looks are so gorgeous. And this theme of "Kiseijuu" - one of my favorite Animes :D *Fangasm*!! Just awesome. Colors and Armor pieces match perfect! Teach me in the Art of Styling, Senpai!
2016-05-08 15:08

Fashion Guru
Amazing look! I love the colors *-*
The weapons fit perfectly to your armor and this chak focus looks so cool I never realized ! He goes perfectly with the parasite theme. Same for the backpiece!
Also the mix is very cool, it's a perfect balance between natural and unnatural armor. And the screens are so beautiful too !
Have my gold ! ^-^
2016-05-08 21:43

Haha you are the only one who would notice my inspirational source! :D
But I certainly don't need to teach you anything in that matter :)
2016-05-10 13:38 in reply to Nougi

Thank you very much :>
I would have done more screens with the focus but unfortunately the guard focus skills are not very appealing for good screens :(
2016-05-10 13:41 in reply to Acethyle

Fashion Guru
I looove this one, I really do!
The armour mix is awesome I especially love the chestpiece and I am glad you used a cutural one. It has a very nice structure and looks really interesting with those dyes. The rest looks very neat as well you really made some interesting choices which I like.
The colours of your armour are spot on! They are matching your weapons so damn well I can't take my eyes off it. I really enjoy the overall look and how the skin tone, the glowing and your hairstyle are chosen carefully to create a round and wonderful look.
You made some very awesome screens, the locations are very awesome and fitting and that said I can't help myself but giving you all the Gold!
2016-05-12 18:22

Ohhhhh! Great job! I love the colour scheme! If I ever had a saladboy I'd want him to look like this ^^ gold!
2016-05-15 4:13

Thank you so much for your kind comment! I'm glad that you noticed my effort on the overall dye job :)
2016-05-21 12:10 in reply to AnaChronism

Fashion Guru
Everything is perfect! Gold!
2016-10-22 18:30

Armor mix, dye is great and they're some screen with cool poses!
2016-11-15 12:30

The armor mix is very cool and the dye are perfect! Same for the screens! Do you think the idea of dye in sylvari part can be cool with other color but same idea?
2016-11-25 13:49

Thank you so much!
And sorry for the late reply.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but I assume you want to know if the chest piece would look good with other dyes? If that's it: Yes, sure!
Sylvari armor looks good with most dyes, even with more colorful ones. That's what I love about Sylvari and their armor ^-^
Here I chose some brighter and more colorful dyes in combination with a dark one for more contrast to show the nice texture of the chest armor.
2016-12-04 18:37 in reply to Cronach

Looks nice, I'm a fan of the dyes used :D
2017-02-02 8:55

Thank you :)
2017-02-05 9:15 in reply to flufflynn

Fashion Collector
This is my most favorite skin that I saw thus far! I only have 1 skin atm, but this one motivated me to do more!
Gold for sure!
2017-05-10 12:49

aww thank you so much! glad to hear that :)
2017-06-04 10:02 in reply to steamius

James Wan
i like that outfit ;D
2017-06-05 8:33