The Witch Hunter

By Deathblade Kenny on March 1st, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Brown
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As the Title says. The Witch Hunter (warhammer online)
when i saw this look at the firs time i was sold and i had to make this look somehow... i used to walk around with a similar one as i have now but i tried to improve it later on.
i posted 2 pictures of the witch hunter from warhammer to see what i was going for in the first place. it is an inspired look so i am not exactly as they are.
the main item of this look is a hat. so i decided to go with the rubicon one since it looks almost the same and was the only good looking one in my eyes..
i had to enter the story quest for the prison to get some screenshots there and i spawned some thieves to make it look like they are breaking me out of jail which i thougt was pretty cool.
the second place is the witch house where the charr kids play and ofcourse the witch who i hunt. i didn't post screenshots with her since they didnt come out as good all the time. so i made it look like i was searching instead. i found some candle lights with bats to go for next screenshots which could be a sign of a witch i guess? :P
and last i went to the crypt. where i bury all my captured witches. so if u are a witch. you'll end up next to them ;) hehe

hope u guys like the look and theme. enjoy.


Holy shit that is one AMAZING cosplay! Gold!
2016-03-01 13:01

Fashion Guru
Amazing! Perfect job ^^ GOLD!
2016-03-01 13:33

Awesome screens mate!!!!
The style is super cool and you realized the theme absolutely perfect!
Ill please you with a Gold vote so you wont hunt me down next ;D
2016-03-01 14:45

Elessar Taralom
Really awesome!
Would even be gold if it wouldn´t be such a spot on cosplay!
2016-03-01 15:11

Fashion Collector
You're really good for cosplay man.
2016-03-01 15:27

Fashion Guru
What an authentic and awesome look. I really love it!
2016-03-01 16:16

De La Croix
Rugged style original and neat!!! Gold
2016-03-01 17:29

De La Croix
P.s. rubicon pants are ugual ad the secondo draw
2016-03-01 17:31

Whoa, amazing! First of all: you are very close to images you have posted, big congratz!
Your look is amazing by itself- perfect dyes and armor combination, simple weapons are just on-spot.
Screens are masterpiece, take my gold and hunt on some witch!
2016-03-01 18:26

dude this looks almost like the one on the pictures. really amazing. the combo in itself and those dyes look damn badass. dunno what to say, this is a super gold
2016-03-02 8:41

You got a very good balance of browns, which is hard to do without making it bland. Sexy af. xD
2016-03-02 11:36

Holy shit, one of the best looks I've ever seen. Really good job. Gold!
2016-03-02 11:36

Shadows Await
Very good job!
2016-03-02 11:55

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
Thank you all for the comments! i am glad u like it and i got much more coming ;) stay tuned
2016-03-02 12:19

Fashion Guru
2016-03-03 5:32

Fashion Collector
A most uniquely looking badass ! The only thing you might want to consider swapping is the hat with the witches hat if it becomes avaliable on the gstore (if its up to your taste).

Nonetheless , take this here Gold, you've earned it ! :)
2016-03-03 22:22

Unique combination of armor and excellent dye choices put in a fitting setting.

Love it
2016-03-04 11:19

Fashion Collector
Hah, I didn't realize it was a cosplay at first. Oops.

But damn, man. Great use of the Bladed coat, great coloration, great weapon selection, fantastic screens, you've done an amazing job bringing this theme together.
2016-03-04 23:50

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
thanks for all the amazing comments guys can't say it enough! stay tuned ;) or click a follow to make sure u wont miss some looks
2016-03-06 7:38

That's just perfect, the bladed jerkin and the rubicon shoulders/hat fit as if they were from the same armor set.
well, to be honest everything XD
Good job!!
2016-04-06 19:58

I'll be damned, this looks so gorgeous!
2018-11-26 7:07